If you could be in any band.....


Feb 4, 2002
Blue Mountains,Australia
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If you could be in any band in the world....past or present who would it be,and why?

Mine would most likely be Led Zepplin as it would have been the most crazy and hilarious tour experience with them plus the music was and still is just amazing. Being in a recording studio with such minds would blow me away!
I don't think I even need to answer this, everybody would know....

KISS!!! :rock:

However, if I could claim any band's music in the world to be my own lol, as in if I had to choose 1 band's music that I'd like to have written myself, I'd have to say Vinnie Vincent Invasion!
I had this weird dream the other night. I was recruited as the 2nd guitarist in Dream Theater... cool huh? Well, I walk out onto stage with my guitar and am ready to play the first song and suddenly I realise my guitar doesn't have a strap on it... so I'm fumbling around at the side of the stage while the first song is being played trying to find my guitar strap. I find it... but then I realise none of my effects are setup... so then I'm scrambling about trying to set everything... John Myung is bumping into me, James Labrie is triping over the wires as I'm trying to hook everything up... what a nightmare... it was horrible!
I used to have a recurring dream that I was a singer for a band but didn't know any of the songs. It was quite embarrassing, but the crowd didn't seem to notice, which was good!

I don't know which band I'd join... Savatage would be good, you'd get to sing all the big counterpoint choruses and stuff in songs like "Chance"... yeah, Savatage will do!
Last night I had a dream that I received two Oscar nominations for some short films I didn't even know I had made, and then I found out that a teacher had put my name on the credits and so the Academy included me in the nominations. I wasn't impressed.
Iced Earth, cos they f**king kick ass! Plus, with all the lineup changes, im as good a chance as anyone to be their next guitarist! :rock:
Why would you want a line of coke on the bar? It would be too hard to drink, you would look like a right twit trying to lick it up! :confused: ;)