If you had the power.


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Absolutely. The only thing against it would be having to see my favorite bands in stadiums instead of intimate clubs, but ultimately, I want to see the bands I like be successful, I want other people to hear them and like them, and I want to be able to listen to the radio without puking on Britney and JLo.
Yes I would, would be cool to have a whole Metal army, instead of just a Metal militia ;)
But, who would I then call gay, if everyone listened to Metal...?
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I don't think i'd want to make metal mainstream, because then in a way it wouldn't be special. =) Sorry, that sounds very elitist. I don't think i'd want the mentality of metal to be mainstream, i'll rather say. The music and bands, sure, the mentality, no. Every genre of music has a general mentality and attitude, and the world would probably suck if everyone was....'metal'. Who knows, capitalism and humankind would probably become extinct, I dunno.

Yeah really, I dunno.

That's what i'm gonna vote. I. Don't. Know.

Yay. Ignorance is bliss!
it would be pretty cool to turn on the radio and actually hear good music, or see those rare metal videos on tv, but if it were mainstream there would be more and more bands sounding exactly the same and it would start to suck and that would be bad. i dont know and thats what i voted
I don't know if I would
not because they would sell out but I never like the radio versions of some songs
I wouldn't put it on mainstream, because then the enjoyment of 'discovering' a new band would be lost, everything would just be fed to us....I think the genuine love of music is more about discovering, rather than having music forced on me.
On the other side of the coin, it would be of benfit to new bands as they would have more established and financial backing.

Different people have different reasons....who has the most beneficial reason?
Hey TGW... I just hand you this little note with my signature and whenever you say something you just add "oh yeah.. and NV thinks the same, I got that thingy here, so Im authorized so" ;)
That would make everything easier for me :p
I don't particularly like the idea of mindless morons obsessing over my favourite bands, without having the mental capacity to appreciate the music. So no.