If you have the latest Sinergy...

Welly said:
scream like hell for a complete song and you're throat will be full of stuff that came from deep in youre organism.. spit it all with all the power you got in you're mouth. .and here it goes
I've tried to scream My Ruin songs -and Tairrie "Phil Anselmo with PMS" B 's scream vocals are the most straining that I know -it's almost like a sport! (I understand why Tairrie doesn't smoke...)
Well anyways, after a 2 or 3 songs I always had to clear my throat and drink some water (or ginger root tea, like Miss B also does), but never really thought about spitting...
Welly said:
@lantern: what you think of cob singer? :)
Ugly and untalented :lol: :lol:
So ugly and untalented that he made me write things like this:

Oh no I won’t let go, can’t
For the desire’s much too strong
After the endless emotional drought
After lightyears of pure emptiness
Divine devotion’s finally there again
The heavenly burning sensation within
Is back...and along with it the longing !
Merciless sheer endless longing
Sanity -what’s that anyway ?
Ravenous, I’m starving to death
...for your affection
...to which I have no right ! ! !
With the touch of a switchblade indeed
I must say...you intoxicated me
A forbidden drug, fatal but so sweet
I can’t take it any longer
I cry, I scream, I bleed, I’m going insane
Ravenous I’m starving to death
...for your affection
...to which I have no right ! ! !
Flesh on flesh I crave to feel you
But it’s so wrong, I know
Play me like that Jackson or that ESP
(Make me scream... ! ! !)
But no, nothing mutual for me !
I can’t help it
Flesh on flesh I crave to feel you
Forbidden thoughts -I feel ashamed
I think I need an exorcist ! ! !
Close and intimate
Every inch of
Sweet scythelicious Wildchild
For me...NOT ! !
It’s true, I’m just not worthy of you
I’m ready for my final strawberry gashes
On my own bed of rusty razors
I lay down and bleed to death

and this:

Writing this down is a long and painful process
Tears flow way easier than words, I’m speechless
For there’s no means to describe...it
It’s killing me but I need...more of it
Violent neoclassical thunderstorm, then
I guess I got a bit too close...to it
For you’ve got me on my knees...by it
It gives... me a high I can’t describe
All the while I drift away
And then your lovely scream
So harsh and...SWEET
I ...NEED !
You create the masterpiece that’s...it
And I must say I never felt that
...all at the same time !
For all that I can create now
Are strawberry gashes on my arms
You’ve got me reduced to scars
And I’m still begging for MORE ! ! !
Hey, the spitting thingy was just FUN...
And by the way: I dont wanna be a groupie cuz I dont wanna be a WHORE... I am a huge fan of COB and I do have a crush on Alexi, but I don't want to be a whore to him, I won't degrade myself to a disposable after-show fuck or whatever...I've got too much self-respect for that.
I express myself creatively, that's my thing...
i wasen't been very serious on that topics but what you just said is fucking worth a quote.

I am a huge fan of COB and I do have a crush on Alexi, but I don't want to be a whore to him, I won't degrade myself to a disposable after-show fuck or whatever...I've got too much self-respect for that

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