For Those Who Actually Give A Damn About Sinergy...

I decided it was time for me to make a Sinergy forum, so I did.

Atleast head over and take a looksie around, and join in if you think you should. I only opened it yesterday, so dont expect too much straight away.
All who join, I hope can make it much more betterer. I didn't open a forum for nothing. :)

Do enjoy it. :headbang:
Yeah I cocked up my username 1st time :lol: incase anyones wandering why there appears to be 2x Phoenix (kinda) But cool idea ISOYG! :)
thats really cool... i'm goning to sign up as well...

it looks great, but since you are the mod, you should ban everyone who starts to talk about alexi and OMGWILDCHILDGUITAR and etc... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
All my tabs are up. I think it'd be smart to sticky it so there's no unnecessary tab requests and it's always at the top of the page.
I signed up as well...i think it is a kewl idea to make a Sinergy board since there is no board around...not that i know...