If you need cheering up

you misunderstood. i talked about freedom. Being a capitalist brain-washed zombie running after money to buy stuff, working for nonsense and eating shit, fucking girls like ones in magasines, taking drugs and acting like commercials order you: is that what you call FREEDOM?!?!?! No freedom within society. No freedom within material world either. Those "rich" losers.
and democracy is shit cos the 90% of the people who make decisions by electing and voting are complete morons.. just see the case of poor Socrates.. It was all fucked up thousand years ago.
Dora said:
you misunderstood. i talked about freedom. Being a capitalist brain-washed zombie running after money to buy stuff, working for nonsense and eating shit, fucking girls like ones in magasines, taking drugs and acting like commercials order you: is that what you call FREEDOM?!?!?! No freedom within society. No freedom within material world either. Those "rich" losers..
If people wouldn't run after money there wouldn't be room for you free thinkers, hippies, commies etc. Somebody got to make the money. Capitalism is the most effective way to make it. When some is made you can even distribute it if that's what is decided. And that allows all kinds of activities like smart-arsing on the internet. Like I'm doing.
Dora said:
and democracy is shit cos the 90% of the people who make decisions by electing and voting are complete morons.. just see the case of poor Socrates.. It was all fucked up thousand years ago.
That's their problem. But in democratic countries people still have most wealth, health, free-time and they don't have to be afraid of getting killed if they don't agree with government.
Dora said:
if something works that doesnt mean it's good, really..
It's survival of the fittest. Things that work survive, others don't. Look at communism for example. Many people still think it is marvellous concept but it's already dead. Never even born properly because that's not how people work. Once again: It's all about how things are, not about how they (assumingly) should be.
Har* said:
It's survival of the fittest. Things that work survive, others don't. Look at communism for example. Many people still think it is marvellous concept but it's already dead. Never even born properly because that's not how people work. Once again: It's all about how things are, not about how they (assumingly) should be.

How come we still cling on to concepts like compassion, charity etc.?
Omg, it's pretty simple to get what Har* says, I think that's just the way it is. Capitalism works cause it has its internal laws, and although there's much oppression to it globally, even I as an easterner don't feel the negative effects of oppression (as yet).

The other thing, what you think of the majority of the population, that they're brainwashed and all, is a bit too simplified; people are not as dumb as they seem to be, there's even something called consumer choice. And yes, I want to have money to be free to go wherever I want, eat whatever I want, live wherever I want, listen to whatever music I want, work whenever I want (well, never, lol). Instead, I'm bound here in this office whining, even though my situation is incomparably better than that of a LOT of people. And Dora, you also said your net is paid by your employer.
my net is payed by my bedmate's employer.. :)

negative effects can be seen, people just ignore them or dont care about consequences.
e.g. PRIVACY. For most of the people it doesnt mean anything but if you think further, it leads to the end of the world or to 1984 which we in the East may know well but it's getting over in the West too.. of course if someone thinks only in a close little world, a job a family a house and all, paying taxes, living like ants, shutting mouth eyes ears and all, then it's heaven. but the world is bigger. really.
see, until people can understand this much, it's a real danger for all.. democracy is built on stupidity, ignorance and narrow-mindedness, it wouldn't work withouth them. but it cant be defeated or changed.