if you went to the Great White show...


Overly-Cryptic Jake
maybe you should have seen the melt down coming... i'm not sayin' i'm just sayin.

i saw the headline when i was looking at the newspaper of the guy in front me on the train this morning. All I saw was "Fire" and "W. Warwick club" and I knew it was the Station because its the only club in West Warwick to my knowledge. As for the band playing I figured it was some hair band from the 80's only because that place only books washed up hair bands and cover bands.

Thats really sad. I wonder why the hell they thought using pyro in a small club would be a good idea.
my boss just came in and was relieved to see me here because she thought I might have actually been at that show last night. While I appreciate her concern, I felt just a tad offended that someone would associate me with going to see Great White.

Granted I was into their videos when I was a kid but the girls in the videos had nice boobs.
Great White was definately one of the better bands dude.

straight up, blues-based hard rock.
the singer was ugly too, which gets crazy cred points.

now if your boss thought you might be at a Poison show, then I'd start to get pissed.
people keep calling me and asking me if my sister is okay (she lives in RI) and i am like, 'she has a 6 month old and she doesnt like HAIR METAL, okay?'
also, i just told my coworker 'this is what we'll be doing to people in iraq soon!' and everyone just looked at me all messed up.
yea my sister just called me all bummed b/c i guess it's right across the street from where she used to work and she thinks some of her old 80's freak coworkers may have gone :(
blabbermouth reports the guitarist made it out ok. the sound guy was injured, but I think that's it for band-related peoples.

not to make light of a terrible situation, but the karma of dying at a GW really is funny.