if you went to the Great White show...

my friend mel just told me two of her friends were there and one is burned all badly and stuff over 75% of his body b/c he was in the fire pushing his girlfriend to safety out a window.

harrowing! horrible. bleh. i hate 80's music even more now for killing people vicariously.
if you had told me last year that great white would be the cause of the deadliest fire in the united states in 10 years and that it would happen 20 mins away from my house i would not have believed you. i am just in more and more shock everytime i read a new article on it.

To Quote Gov. Carcieri:

"Governor Carcieri, who returned from a working vacation in Florida late this morning after finding out about the fire, said, "They had no business putting off pyrotechnics in that building. As far as I can see, somebody made a bad decision."
"Over 80 people? Man, I wish decent bands could draw that in this area. Shows you how fu**ed the scene is."
"Maybe they misread the bit about burning CHURCHES in Lords of Chaos while consulting it for comeback advice"
"Do you think it was the hairspray near an open flame?"
"Oh, the guitarist probably isn't dead. It's not like someone would actually be able to recognize a member of great white if they bothered trying to do so"

-why I never talk to people who wear bondage gear to an English class
Friggy... he lives all of 25 minutes away from West Warwick and had a brother to check up on as a result of the fire. Why argue?