Ihsahn - Angl


Apr 5, 2002
Dallas, TX
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I just started listening to this disc, and the first few songs alone blew me away, especially the track with Akerfeldt doing the vocals. Also, it has the same lineup as his first solo cd, The Adversary, which was also amazing, Asgeir Mickelson on drums and Lars Norberg on bass(both from Spiral Architect). The cd is worth it alone just on the song Unhealer with Akerfeldt. This is definately a cd everyone should check out. So far I am liking it more than his first one. This is tied for best cd this year so far with opeth's new disc.
Intriguing. I was never a fan of Emperor, though I own all of their music (CM had a $5 Emperor sale). The Adversary, which admittedly I spent very little time with, didn't impress me. Perhaps I'll give this a shot.

Intriguing. I was never a fan of Emperor, though I own all of their music (CM had a $5 Emperor sale). The Adversary, which admittedly I spent very little time with, didn't impress me. Perhaps I'll give this a shot.

While you're at it, go back and listen solely to "With Strength I Burn" (Track 7) off of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk if you never made it that far. Given the continued evolution of your tastes, I'd be surprised if it still did nothing for you.

I just can't stop listening to it. It is definately different than anything he has done with Emperor and different than his last solo disc. If you are a fan of Akerfeldt's cleans, then this is a must listen, just listen to Unhealer. This is the best Akerfeldt has ever sounded in my opinion. Album of the year so far, until I hear the rest of the new Opeth. Top 3, Ihsahn, Opeth, and Warrel Dane.
While you're at it, go back and listen solely to "With Strength I Burn" (Track 7) off of Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk if you never made it that far. Given the continued evolution of your tastes, I'd be surprised if it still did nothing for you.
It's better than 90% of what I recall. However, it's still not a song that I feel any desire to hear a second time.

I also went back and listened to a few select tracks from Anthems. Emperor continues to be one of those bands that I just don't get. Because of how widely they're praised, I revisit their music every so often, expecting it's finally going to click for me... but it doesn't. Instead, their music just washes over me like white noise (or I guess black noise would be the more appropriate description).

Cool, thanks for the insight. As a last ditch effort, if you've never listened to IX Equilibrium, I always recommend that one as the best starting point for Emperor as a whole. The track I pointed you to on the other album just happens to be my favorite tune by them.

As a last ditch effort, if you've never listened to IX Equilibrium, I always recommend that one as the best starting point for Emperor as a whole.
Through two songs on Equilibrium, and its clearly a better starting point. The production is light years better and the songwriting is more mature. It's much more palatable, but still not my things.

I think I'm done revisiting these guys. I simply doubt this style (incessant use of blast beats) will ever hold any appeal for me. Thanks.

The cd is worth it alone just on the song Unhealer with Akerfeldt.
It is indeed a very cool track and Mikael does sound awesome on it. There some passages in this track that are just amazing. Makes me wonder what an Opeth CD produced by Ihsahn might sound like.

This disc will definitely require a few spins to wrap my mind around. Definitely gonna give it more of a chance The Adversary.


EDIT: If Glenn really wants to push the festival's boundaries, this is next year's wildcard. 10x more creative than 90% of what's at ProgPower.
I always say start with prometheus. The first song on that, The Eruption, is my favorite, and if you like Ihsahn's solo stuff, I would say start with Prometheus and move your way back. I started with Prometheus and moved my way back, and I found that the best way with Emperor.
It's amazing. After one listen it took the number 1 spot from Arsis.

woah, now I gotta hear this!

I would love to see Asgeir and Lars Norberg grace the stage at Progpower again, especially considering Spiral Architect was the band that really drew me to Progpower 2.


"Moshpit at Spiral Architect concert described as...'awkward.'" :heh:
If Glenn really wants to push the festival's boundaries, this is next year's wildcard. 10x more creative than 90% of what's at ProgPower.

Excellent description of Ihsahn's post-Emperor work. The man is pushing boundaries and I love him for it. Unfortunately, last I read he doesn't plan to tour yet due to the lack of a band with which to play. He also mentioned a slight dislike for playing live which, coupled with his new recording business, will likely slow the process of hiring and practicing with a band. Which is horrible, because this is music that deserves a spot at this fest. Shit, I called for him this year just based on his first album.

Anyone heard the Peccatum albums? More awesome Ihsahn stuff. These projects really show why Emperor has shown a severe lack of... ideas. Ihsahn's saving them all for himself.