I'm a fucking father!

Don't freak out if the baby cries a lot or takes some time to get used to breastfeeding.


sometimes babies just cry, and it freaks a lot of people(especially the women) out. really all you can do is make sure they're fed, clothed, and have a clean diaper on - if they're still fussing after that, just put 'em down and let it run its course.
meh he cries when he wants his food... big deal :D

I played him some periphery yesterday... just to shut him up. it worked!! ;)

Jokes aside, everything is working fine... Sure you have to get up in the middle of the night to give him food but after a couple of days you get into it and it works like a charm.
meh he cries when he wants his food... big deal :D

I played him some periphery yesterday... just to shut him up. it worked!! ;)

Jokes aside, everything is working fine... Sure you have to get up in the middle of the night to give him food but after a couple of days you get into it and it works like a charm.

You do get into the swing of it like...

How old is he now??

theres a few milestones you'll be happy to reach...

Mines just reached the point of trying to headbang to At the Gates

theres certain things you can teach em when they're younger... High-fives was the first thing...

glad you're enjoying fatherhood dude...
You do get into the swing of it like...

How old is he now??

theres a few milestones you'll be happy to reach...

Mines just reached the point of trying to headbang to At the Gates

theres certain things you can teach em when they're younger... High-fives was the first thing...

glad you're enjoying fatherhood dude...

3 weeks today... I've played some behemoth and bloodbath and he does seem to approve of the quality! :lol:

He has also started to smile now and then. that one smile totally makes my day worthwhile...
Somehow I missed this thread - Congrats my friend! Children truly are a gift to be cherished. My he, and his family have continued health and well being. He's a damned handsome fella :)