I'm a little out of the loop here....

If that happened I would strip down naked and run down my street screaming YES!!!

Edit-I swear on my honor if Vortex ever rejoined Borknagar I will cut off my small toe and film it. Thats how happy I would be = (
....has Vortex left Dimmu, and gone back to Borknagar? OR?

Confused in Cali. o_O

Nope, unfortunately he's still confined to his duties in Dimmu Borgir and it looks like Vintersorg's influence will continue to corrupt Borknagar for the foreseeable future.

However, he has joined the British/Norwegian black metal band Code and they are in the process of making a new album I believe.
Nope, unfortunately he's still confined to his duties in Dimmu Borgir and it looks like Vintersorg's influence will continue to corrupt Borknagar for the foreseeable future.

However, he has joined the British/Norwegian black metal band Code and they are in the process of making a new album I believe.

Awesome :headbang:.

But you seem to not like Mr.V, do you not like him? :cry:
I'd like to hear Lars Jensen in Borknagar, singing in Norwegian.

I love Mr.V, he's one of my favorites, but I cant help but worry the next album is going to be Empiricism part three. Not to say Empricism sounded exactly like Epic "I like Epic a lot more", but the usual reinvention was not there.
I would just be happy if Vortex left Dimmu entirely. His vocal talent is hardly on display with that band. But to each his own, I suppose he is happy doing what he does for them. This "Code" project interests me though.
I'm sure every Simen fan worth a damn wishes that. I know I do. I'm looking forward to <Code> but the debut album was inconsistent, I hope Aort gets his shit together so Simen doesn't go to waste there too.
I love his work with Borknagar and all the albums he sings on. However, my statement still stands that his influence has more than generously directed the band's musical evolution.

Hmm I agree with that, but for me it is a good thing :):headbang::kickass:.
IMO it is good when a band evolves, as with e.g. Bork, but as said before on this thread, I wonder how will the next album be...?

A return to their old style around Quintesscense but with Mr.V would certainly be interesting..., though I doubt that will happen :rolleyes: .
Nope, unfortunately he's still confined to his duties in Dimmu Borgir and it looks like Vintersorg's influence will continue to corrupt Borknagar for the foreseeable future.

However, he has joined the British/Norwegian black metal band Code and they are in the process of making a new album I believe.

Thanks for the info, I'll look for some stuff by that band.....do you know what label they're on?


If that happened I would strip down naked and run down my street screaming YES!!!


Edit-I swear on my honor if Vortex ever rejoined Borknagar I will cut off my small toe and film it. Thats how happy I would be = (

I was lucky enough to meet him one time back in 03'(?), at the Palace in Hollywood. 7 or 8 bands..woo hoo, a night I'll always remember. I got to meet them all. Then went back to the Youth Hostel. :worship:

what makes you think that? what do you mean with "Confused in Cali."? did Simen say something stupid in a drunken rage during a concert?

Get out of my thread TROLL.

I would just be happy if Vortex left Dimmu entirely. His vocal talent is hardly on display with that band. But to each his own, I suppose he is happy doing what he does for them. This "Code" project interests me though.

Man, oh man, oh man...that guy just gets onstage and rocks your boots off. SO handsome, so talented, and he just gets up there with his hair flying and his vox are clean, and powerful...lucky enough, I was right in front of him, the whole show. Leaves Memory lane. :saint::worship:Saint:

I would just be happy if Vortex left Dimmu entirely. His vocal talent is hardly on display with that band. But to each his own, I suppose he is happy doing what he does for them. This "Code" project interests me though.

The main reason I got into Dimmu was because of Vortex. A friend sent me a disc, and I listened, and just fell melting to his clean, powerul monster force vocals. Then, when I went to see them in Hollywood, I got to meet him, he was so sweet and polite, and I did get a picture taken with him, all the guys were there, but I just wanted a picture with him.


I'd like to hear Lars Jensen in Borknagar, singing in Norwegian.

I just love it when bands sing in Norwegian, and German too. I just love it. :err:

The power, darkness and aggression of Quintessence is not fit for Mr. V's proggy musings.

**Sharpens her axe**

