I'm a really good guy


You can say what you want but life is about living. I'm not really trying to be something great, it just comes naturally because I'm simple and like simple things. Things like missionary with a condom, black coffee, Pete Yorn, coaching little league tee-ball and reading to children with disabilities in the hospital.

The simpler your life, the better. I make my bed when the sun stretches it's rosy fingers across the horizon and scrub the remains of yesterday's hard work away with a loofah. I crap healthy clean loafs. You wanna know why? Because I eat right...from a complete balanced breakfast in the morn to fish filets at the bookend of the day. I want a son to carry my wholesome ideals into another generation. I want a minivan. A timeclock and a wife to come home to and take to the carnival. I want these things for me and it's not asking much is it? Simplicity.

So g'head. Bitch about your flight delays, prosterior rash, sex addictions and daily miseries you write yourself into. I keep it easy because that handsome son of a gun in the mirror greets me with a smile and sings showtunes letting me know that it's gonna be another fairy tale day.

I'll see you there if you wanna join me.
I got all tear-eyed when I read that... Your depiction of simplicity is quite simply, vomit inducing... "I want a minivan"??? How suburbish of you!
You sound like a clean guy and I mean - clean - wink wink nudge nudge... You sir, must be quite respected in your state's gay community.

(This is for that Stepford fan reference... Ha!)
Will you snap the fuck out of it.. Where the fuck did your balls go. What happen to the good old days where we would go see Slayer, the next night Anthrax, smoke crack, shoot heroin, and do coke off a hookers ass! And that was just for Starters. Hell I remember when you fucked Britney and used aluminum foil for a rubber! She asked you to be gentle and waht do you do?!?! You slammed it in her brwon eye! Shit I still need to put those pics on the net. I remember that faitfull night when you and BLV had that lovers quarrel. He wanted to be on top but you said no! He threatend to leave you unless you gave in but what did you do! You told him off like a man! You said "if I dont let Halford drive you shure as hell and getting to be tha captain!

Just kiddin ya fuck....
Your post was almost funny till you mentioned a minivan.........Dude you just took the flamer award for the week. Metal sludge should give you an FU award just for thinking about a minivan ,,,,,,,,,Pussy
did you mean tee ball or tea bag? j/k

I don't know what this post is about but to each there own.
But whatever anyone wants for there life is ok, if it's 2.5 kids, minivan etc etc or listening to slayer while doin a line of coke off some strippers ass etc etc. Life is short, but it's yours, so live it however you want, as long as your happy thats all that matters.
TD said:
You can say what you want but life is about living. I'm not really trying to be something great, it just comes naturally because I'm simple and like simple things.
The simpler your life, the better. I make my bed when the sun stretches it's rosy fingers across the horizon and scrub the remains of yesterday's hard work away with a loofah in my ass. My boyfriend craps healthy clean loafs on my chest. You wanna know why? Because I eat shit...from a complete balanced breakfast in the morn to some tubesteak smothered in underwear at night I want a big cock to come home to and take to the gay rodeo. I want these things for me and it's not asking much is it?

I keep it easy because that handsome son of a gun in the mirror greets me with a smile and sings showtunes letting me know that theres gonna be another fairy with a big wiener for me
I'll see you there if you wanna join me.