I'm addicted to Mass Effect


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
I just wanted to put that out there. They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, so there it is, I said it.
Mass Effect is one of my absolute most favorite games of all time.. playing through it again right now!
Great, great game indeed... only thing that was dissapointing for is that they rushed it.. seeing as how some planets were just flat, ungly and small squares where you could find something and then move on.
But the main story line, the characters, the models, absolutely amazing and i can't wait for either new downloadable content for it, or mass effect 2!
I absolutely loved Mass Effect - to me, the main appeal was the immersiveness of the universe and how exhaustively and creatively the races, planets, and rules behind it were (all stuff one would miss if one didn't read every single codex entry like I did ;) And I always just muted my TV for the ones where the guy narrated it, cuz I wanted to read at my own pace and he distracted me :mad: ). Also, the story was great, and I LOVED the exploration into the nature of "Synthetic intelligence" (rather than artificial, because as they say in the codex, that makes it essentially an institutionalized racism, cuz sentience achieved through circuits and microprocessors is every bid as valid as organic). Great dialog writing and voice acting too.

However, I felt it was not without its flaws - mainly, the areas with NPC's (meaning, not random planets that all look the same, as Bob rightly pointed out, but plot places like Noveria, the Citadel, etc.) felt so tiny and constricted compared to Deus Ex, the only other game of this type I have experience with. Also, Bioware needed to work on smile animations for characters...understandably, it doesn't happen often, but YEESSSHHH. And finally, although this is purely preference, I don't like being able to choose EVERY SINGLE LINE my character says; I prefer JC Denton, where he says a lot of his own lines and his personality comes through, and you just get to make choices that have some relevance. Yes, choosing all the lines of a character is supposed to make it so you can define his/her own personality, but come on...oh, and Jennifer Hale as female Shephard is so much better than that nasally Canadian as male Shephard :( Overall though, I loves it!
This one just reminded me of how both KOTORs were better games. Couldn't enjoy it no matter how hard I tried. The backstory and universe, despite being thought and written out somewhat still felt hollow and generic to me.

I haven't really enjoyed a game since Company of Heroes (unless you count World of Goo... perhaps Assassin's Creed to a degree too). Being an old-time Fallout fan, Fallout 3 came as a bitter disappointment (pretty much as most long time fans expected).

Hanging out for Saints Row 2 (PC) Diablo 3, Storm of War & Rise of Flight to hopefully kick gaming back into gear again.
I've beaten Mass Effect over 7 times and almost got all the achievements so yea, I can also say I'm addicted. It's without a doubt the best game I've played this generation of gaming. My best Shepard is my level 60 Vanguard / Shock Trooper with Colossus X Armor and Savant X with Ashley and Tali at my side.
Man, I never brought Ashley, Garrus and Kaiden were always my dawgs, though I liked to mix it up every once in awhile so no one felt neglected :)
It really depends on my character's class but Ashley has always been a staple in my party. Mostly because of her durability in combat and her ability to use all weapons. Tali is very useful because my Vanguard Shepard and Ashley lack electronics and her AI Hacking skill. I think that party is the perfect balance for a Vanguard.
Man, I never brought Ashley, Garrus and Kaiden were always my dawgs, though I liked to mix it up every once in awhile so no one felt neglected :)

my party was always Garrus & Liara. Lift is a little overpowered ahaha
It was ok. But the most enjoyable part was making you character butt-ugly. Every in between scenes where it's all serious and all tends to get alot funnier.

I laughed out loud.. for real, when I read this :) Immediately got an image up in my head... haha.

Anyway, yeah Mass Effect is a really great game, though I only played it through once, I will not play it again. There are no achievements on PC so fuck it =)

I bought both Mass Effect books though, and I'm reading the first one atm! It's fun to read what happened before the game story.

And as many have pointed out, Fallout 3 is quite fun too. That game, I'm actually feeling like I could play through again.
Oh shit, theres books, too? Damn I'm gonna have to get those. I love reading about all the details. Whenever I see something in the game that just seems impossible in real life, a codex entry will pop up explaining it in a very intriguing and somewhat believable sci-fi kinda way that makes pretty good sense. I like how thought out everything is. Maybe I'm just new to the genre.