I'm Always Amused by Heretofore Unknown Brands of Kinkiness

Employees Bathe in Dishwashing Sink</B>
Fast-Food Employees Bathe in Dishwashing Sink, Health Officials Say It Wasn't a Threat

The Associated Press

ADVANCE, N.C. March 11 — Two fast-food restaurant employees who bathed in a dishwashing sink took cleanliness a bit too far, but didn't pose a health threat, the county's health director said. The caper came to light because of photographs of the men taking turns posing, in bathing suits, in a large sink full of bubbles, said Barry Bass, director of the Davie County Health Department.

"From a public-health standpoint, you want the employees to be clean," said Bass, adding that the employees may have overdone it.

"I have been working in public health for 25 years and have never observed an incident like it."

The sink at the Wendy's has cleaning jets and is used to wash pots, pans and other cookware.

Bass said the restaurant won't be cited for any health-code violations, because no health official directly observed a violation.

The restaurant's manager assured health officials that the sink had been sanitized and that it wouldn't happen again, Bass said.

Wendy's officials did not return calls for comment.

A CVS pharmacy employee in Advance who was developing the photographs reported them to the Davie County Sheriff's office last week. The sheriff's office turned the case over to the health department.

It's not known who took the film to CVS to be developed or when the photos were taken.

Mike DeAngelis, a CVS spokesman, said it is company policy for photo technicians to notify a store manager if they suspect that a photograph shows illegal activity.

Information from: Winston-Salem Journal,
seriously. i worked at CVS for a year or so in high school and the parts i remember from it are:

1. when i was getting hired, my boss looked at my resume and said, "I see you go to a Catholic school. I'm an agnostic and I hope you don't have a problem with that. Do you know what an agnostic is?" "Yes, I--" "It means I don't believe in God but I'm open to the possibility. If you have a problem with that you'd better tell me now."

2. some girl came up to the counter and asked me for my phone number. and i had a girlfriend at the time and was like, "no!!" it was the first time i had ever been randomly approached and was pretty weird/flattering.