I'm Defending John Bush


New Metal Member
May 10, 2003
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:hotjump: This is in response to everyone ripping John for saying that he's against music downloading:
Downloading is stealing, period. Think about it, if you fry a hamburger at your Mcdonalds job and its the best damn hamburger you ever fried (Hamburger University would even be proud) and you're really proud of it, and you personally took it to the counter and handed it to the customer, and he yelled "fuck off!" and grabbed the hamburger from your greasy hand and bolted for the door w/o paying, wouldn't you be a bit upset? If Wendys decided to not pay you for doing an extra special job cleaning out the grease traps for the fries, it would upset you wouldn't it? (the fast food reference is in direct reference to the mentality of metal fans who cry, piss, and moan about musicians who are only out for the money...read on...)
Well making music is his livelihood. It's how he puts food on his table. So, I'd be a little pissed too. WCFYA is an excellent record, and everyone who calls themselves a metal fan should own a copy. :hotjump:

Stop being like all the other sheep on the internet. It's so easy to sit behind your computer and post shit about this and that between masturbation sessions. Think about it, it's the whiney crybaby metal fans who insist that bands keep releasing Among The Living, or Reign In Blood that are a detriment to metal.
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AA is for quitters! I love that name. I almost had court ordered AA a few years back. GAWD, I'm glad I begged, borrowed, and stole my way out of that whole ordeal. The weekend intervention was enough to make me wanna drink more. Once you start believing in AA you're done, talk about mind games. They are like soul parasites.
TD said:
AA is for quitters! I love that name. I almost had court ordered AA a few years back. GAWD, I'm glad I begged, borrowed, and stole my way out of that whole ordeal. The weekend intervention was enough to make me wanna drink more. Once you start believing in AA you're done, talk about mind games. They are like soul parasites.

Well I always say alcoholics go to meetings. I'm a drunk.
aaisforquitters said:
:hotjump: This is in response to everyone ripping John for saying that he's against music downloading:

What do you mean "everyone?" I only remember one dumbass saying anything about it.
Downloading = Stealing. No. Downloading = Convienent. Yes

Should people be prosecuted for burning CDs and downloading. No.

You could ban all downloading and CD burning tomorrow and sales might pick up 25%. Maybe. The facts are:

* Too many things compete for the CDs dollar. Think about Wal-Mart 10 years ago. Did they have 3 isles of movies and 2 isles of video games? How many MediaPlays and BestBuys were there? Some but it's not as pervasive as it is now, all hocking the same shit.

* Price point. Thru out the history of music there's always been a premium and a discount format. LP and 8-track, CD and Cassette. One was $$$, the other cost half as much. Now you're stuck at $15-$20 almost everytime. CDs should cost about $8-$10

* Who's going to pay to download when the competition's free? And who's going to have a transaction EVERYTIME you want to download a song? No, charge a $10 subscription service fee, everything goes. Pricing by song is nuts

* Too much shit on the market. There's always been shit but not as much heavily marketed shit IMO. For every quality Anthrax or BLS album there's 50 Papa Roachs, Limp Bizkits, Chevelles and the other assorted dog shit.

* I think the music industry will have to go under before it ever comes back. I feel like people know are just squabbling over the crumbs. Rock N' Roll's not dead but it's on life support.

* If you like a fucking band's music, buy the album, tickets or merch. Plain & simple. Bands can't eat because they're nice guys.
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KY_Fried442 said:
What do you mean "everyone?" I only remember one dumbass saying anything about it.

If you go on blabbermouth there's all kinds of people ripping Bush. Also, every time something is posted about Scott people start ripping.
I agree with Brentney, CD´s in the States and Europe are waaaaaaay overpriced. C´mon, all of 40 a really just muzak (yes Metallica too)! People download one song here and one there and don´t give a shit if they are stealing (moraly speaking, cuz in Sweden it´s not illegal to download just upload, spreading ilegal copies).

I understand that smaller bands suffer from this but Britney? FUCK NO! She´s sponsored so she´s covered. Besides those artists are just faces for a product writen by teams of songwriters, and they do a good job cuz the songs sell or is it cuz MTV only plays those songs?

Ok, enought ranting... why do I download? To check out bands I want to hear. I download a song or two and if I like what I hear I´m buying the CD. I´m not really interested in filling my HD with mp3:s.
u are damn right about cds costing too much.

for example pantera records there albums in there own studio just like anthrax which means they are saving the rc heaps of money,do u think they passed the savings on,if reinventing the steel was selling for 10 bucks it woulda sold million records easy.
I don't download music. I have, but I haven't for a long time. I buy cds from the artists I like. The only time I haven't bought a cd where a friend downloaded it for me was for Limp Dick, cause they wanted us to download it, and I played frisbee with it after listening to it once. But yes, music cds do cost too much, and I do believe in the sampling before buying, but getting the full albums complete and not paying anything for them at all? hmmm...Dunno bout that.
Who hasn't downloaded music, or burned a CD copy??? I still support the bands I like (CD's, concert tix, and shirts). Others I will listen to, but would never buy there crap regardless. So it goes....
aaisforquitters said:
If you go on blabbermouth there's all kinds of people ripping Bush. Also, every time something is posted about Scott people start ripping.

I see, I never go there so I didn't know, I thought you were talking about people on this board. I fucking hate blabbermouth. People bitch about everything and everybody no matter what so I don't even bother with them anymore.
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KY_Fried442 said:
I see, I never go there so I didn't know, I thought you were talking about people on this board. I fucking hate blabbermouth. People bitch about everything and everybody no matter what so I don't even bother with them anymore.

It's amazing..everytime Lars opens his mouth and blabbermouth posts it it gets at least 100 replies...same goes for Fred Durst (although he deserves all the bad replies). People rip Scott and ANthrax in general. Shit, even Slayer gets it over there. People should be GLAD that bands like Slayer, Anthrax, Maiden, Priest, etc. are still around and still put out albums and tour and give us true metalheads a choice instead of the crap that's on the radio nowadays. I support these bands by buying their albums, going to their shows, and buying t-shirts ( I didn't mind paying $30 for my Anthrax "Music Of Mass Destruction" shirt a couple of months ago. I even emailed Scott and begged to have a Phoenix date added to their current tour because I will be there.
Yeah, Blabbermouth is one big bitchfest. Kinda sad..
Not this again. This topic is like abortion, politics and sneaking in to movies. We all will never agree and we will never get anyone to change their mind. So I'm just gonna stay out of it. I have not had enough beer to feel like arguing yet.
aaisforquitters said:
People should be GLAD that bands like Slayer, Anthrax, Maiden, Priest, etc. are still around and still put out albums and tour and give us true metalheads a choice instead of the crap that's on the radio nowadays. I support these bands by buying their albums, going to their shows, and buying t-shirts

Too fucking true! Although I do sometimes download the odd MP3 just to make sure i'm not wasting £15. I mean I could download an entire album in MP3 format and if I liked it I would still buy the album. But that's just me I like to actually own the album and not just a copy of it - I'm a completist when it comes to Metal!
This may sound like a bit of a cop-out, but I think that the best thing for this topic is just to agree to disagree. If we start to hack and slash about things like downloading, religion, politics, abortion, and other rather "flammible" topics, this board will just get all heavy (in the bad way) and downcast. And we don't want that, do we?



Hey! Anthrax kicks ass, don't they! I dig their songs! I'm gonna go see them when they come to town!
