im down


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
Lately I've been really down, just not feeling very well about anything. I just really don’t find myself caring about anything, work, school, my normal home life. It seems like the only things I really care about are Bianca, my close friends, and the band (friends and doing what i love). On top of that, I've been letting my anger and anxiety go loose on some of my friends including Bianca, and I know its really upsetting her, just seeing myself do that upsets me even more. And I have to show her that I’m going to be around forever and I’m not always going to be like this. And even with all this just, emotional distress, I still have my shitty health, which gets worse as the stress increases.

This past week has been a good one. I feel like I’m slowly learning the ropes of the mortgage business, so now I can understand the problems people are coming to me with. Not a lot, but a little bit, so it helps me. The first 2 classes are now over, and I still have some shit to take care of, but for the most part, it’s a pretty big load off my shoulders, and to top it all off, I finally got the car I’ve always wanted, and it makes me really proud and happy. (I want to post pictures as soon as I get the time to take them). So last night I was driving home on 295 which is a nearby state highway that I use to get to and from work and a bunch of other places around here in south Jersey. It’s a 65 MPH zone, and it’s a not so frequently camped spot. So I get on the highway and I take off… because honestly, I haven’t yet. I’ve been driving carefully, obeying all posted speed limits, and traffic laws. So I see how fast I can get up to 60, then I go for 100. I get to what looks like 100 when I see a cop camping to my right. I keep going (at about 100 MPH, and I slow down for the next exit ramp… he catches up, pulls me over, and slams me with:

39:4-98 : Excessive Speeding [Bracket 6: 30-34 MPH] 96 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. (5 Points)

39:4-96 : Reckless Driving (5 Points)

Fines are doubled in a 65, and that amount of points will probably get my license suspended for 30 days… I’ll lose my job, and I won’t be able to pay for the car or insurance. I wont have anyway to get to and from places, I wont be able to pay for college (yes I pay for my own school, car, insurance, everything but rent I have to pay on my own). So now I need to hire a lawyer and use my tax return money to pay him and the fines, so that I can walk away with my license. And I’m sure my insurance will jump about 400 bucks more a year.

So I guess I was finally getting out of this slump of a mood, and I needed someone to pull me back down to earth… and that someone was the New Jersey State Police.
damn dude.... just dont drive so fast. i know absolutely nothing of what youve been going through, even though i've asked and tried to talk to you about it. keeping everything bottled up isn't good.
Tempest said:
Lately I've been really down, just not feeling very well about anything. I just really don’t find myself caring about anything, work, school, my normal home life. It seems like the only things I really care about are Bianca, my close friends, and the band (friends and doing what i love). On top of that, I've been letting my anger and anxiety go loose on some of my friends including Bianca, and I know its really upsetting her, just seeing myself do that upsets me even more. And I have to show her that I’m going to be around forever and I’m not always going to be like this. And even with all this just, emotional distress, I still have my shitty health, which gets worse as the stress increases.

This past week has been a good one. I feel like I’m slowly learning the ropes of the mortgage business, so now I can understand the problems people are coming to me with. Not a lot, but a little bit, so it helps me. The first 2 classes are now over, and I still have some shit to take care of, but for the most part, it’s a pretty big load off my shoulders, and to top it all off, I finally got the car I’ve always wanted, and it makes me really proud and happy. (I want to post pictures as soon as I get the time to take them). So last night I was driving home on 295 which is a nearby state highway that I use to get to and from work and a bunch of other places around here in south Jersey. It’s a 65 MPH zone, and it’s a not so frequently camped spot. So I get on the highway and I take off… because honestly, I haven’t yet. I’ve been driving carefully, obeying all posted speed limits, and traffic laws. So I see how fast I can get up to 60, then I go for 100. I get to what looks like 100 when I see a cop camping to my right. I keep going (at about 100 MPH, and I slow down for the next exit ramp… he catches up, pulls me over, and slams me with:

39:4-98 : Excessive Speeding [Bracket 6: 30-34 MPH] 96 MPH in a 65 MPH zone. (5 Points)

39:4-96 : Reckless Driving (5 Points)

Fines are doubled in a 65, and that amount of points will probably get my license suspended for 30 days… I’ll lose my job, and I won’t be able to pay for the car or insurance. I wont have anyway to get to and from places, I wont be able to pay for college (yes I pay for my own school, car, insurance, everything but rent I have to pay on my own). So now I need to hire a lawyer and use my tax return money to pay him and the fines, so that I can walk away with my license. And I’m sure my insurance will jump about 400 bucks more a year.

So I guess I was finally getting out of this slump of a mood, and I needed someone to pull me back down to earth… and that someone was the New Jersey State Police.

New Jersey sucks...I commute to NJ 4 days a week...70 miles each's inevitable that I'd get a ticket and I did recently. I was in court for nearly 5 hrs one night to speak with the prosecutor and still get whacked with a $235 fine and 2 points.

For the rest....get on Paxal or helps.
Will Bozarth said:
damn dude.... just dont drive so fast. i know absolutely nothing of what youve been going through, even though i've asked and tried to talk to you about it. keeping everything bottled up isn't good.

I know and I appreciate it, this is my first attempt at venting, because I don't do well with "talking about my problems" beleive me, ask Bianca, it drivers her crazy that I never want to talk about what's bothering me.
Must be the time of year. I've also been in a crappy mood the last month or so.

Maybe it's because the Headlining tour keeps getting pushed aside.

thats it, I blame my problems on Nevermore's lack of stage time. :loco:
Same here :(

Take care of yourself, Mike. Try and remember life is bigger than the problems we let affect us.

*man hugz*
Tempest said:
I know and I appreciate it, this is my first attempt at venting, because I don't do well with "talking about my problems" beleive me, ask Bianca, it drivers her crazy that I never want to talk about what's bothering me.

Seriously...those drugs are super mild and just even you out. I have an extremely stressful life. Last summer, it took its toll. I've been on Lexapro since then and my wife says it makes a huge difference when I hardly notice a thing. Stress is a killer and for me, opening up and talking doesn't really seem to help...I needed an alternative.
So you've had a shitty month, too?

Hehe, we'll have a shitty month together...

I've feel like I've been in a haze for a long time. I seriously think there is something wrong with me. Stress or depression, I don't know.
Actually if get slapped with 10 POINTs, you won't have a license for many more years after that. If I remember correctly it takes 2 years for a point to come off. And you wouldnt be allowed to get your license back until you are at 5 because 6 is where they take it.

Back in July on the 2nd, I got pulled over after midnight (Im on a provisional, which is something retarded that NJ has, i can drive by myself and one other person -which has exceptions- and not before 5am or after midnight) anddddd I was supposedly was crossing the lines and driving partially on the other side of the road. Got a Violation of Provosional License (suspension of license for 60 days) and a Failure to Maintain a Lane (2 points).

2 Days later I got nailed again! East Greenwich Twp. yet again. 52 in a 35 (i thought it was 45 but apparently it wasnt) and thats a 4 point speeding ticket.

THEN! im not finished... 2 days after that I was driving in Delware and I slid into the back of a New Castle County Police Officer. Totaled my car 5000+ in damage. I was issued a ticket for "not maintaining a safe speed during inclement weather conditions". Not a speeding ticket but the fact that it was raining and i SLID into him, they gave me that. I didnt get any points issued or transferred from Delaware because I protected myself with law that i looked up. the NJ Tourism Law. If you are a resident of NJ, and you are out of state for tourism purposes and you get a ticket or in an accident, you can use it to nullify any points that would normally be issued. So despite hitting a COP i only had to pay a $45 fine and b e left with a totaled car.

As for the other stuff... I would have ahd 6 points and lost my license for 2 years and 2 months, and insurance would have went THROUGH the roof.

I got myself a traffic lawyer and I got everyone knocked down to a 2 point speeding ticket ONLY reason i didnt get no points was because the cop that pulled me over remembered my bumper sticker which read:


soo yea... I was kinda feeling the same way around then... and that was my wake up call.

Good luck with everything, I hope it turns out for the better.
It's all good, I got myself a lawyer, he said he can make the reckless driving dissapear completely (so I can get my Tempest liscence plates and not get the 5 points or fines for it) and he can get the speeding from the 30-34 mph over bracket, down to the 1-14 mph over bracket, which is only a 2 point ticket.

Then I can take a driver's training course to reduce my lisence by 2 points... that would be 0 points... so im looking at...

350 for the lawyer
150 for the speeding fine
30 bucks in court fees
50 bucks on a driver's course
An estimated 600 bucks in the end to make this all go away and not raise my insurance.
I love you hon.

I know it will all pan out. So the ticket and the points suck for the time being but youre goin to handle it and get the lawyer and figure it out (I'll help). i know its stressful - I know alot of stuff is right now for you and I respect you for always pulling it together and sifting through the shit. Youre a good guy and a smart person - ive got faith in you :-D I love you ^_^

ps: i know it wont always be like this - but even if it is - Im always going to be here and help you (and I know youd do the same for me) - dude - we are the greatest team there is. OH and if worst comes to worst we'll see if my parents will let you drive my car for a week or two ... and you can make fun of my honda.. since you know that IS you and degges other hobby - MAKING FUN OF MY HONDA!!!