The things that make you angry thread


Just cause it's a you've only been pulled over once don't make it not true!
You've only been pulled over once, Confucius. :p

Yeah, and then again when I got back because I was driving with expired tags (had no clue) and no insurance, which i got the next day so I didn't have to go to court.

and that fucking sucked when I did get pulled over during pagan/powerfest, expensive ticket.

and then the time cops came up and checked us for drugs and they found his pipe and weed on the ground and the cop was blamming me, but my friend spoke up and said it was his, and they just took it and let us go.

and one time during highschool but it was just a warning...

and a MIP of tabacco on school campus, that was nothing though...

and when the cops came and searched my bag at school when i threatened to kill a kid and they found razors in my bag...(long story) I was then expelled and sent to a mental institution.

i believe that's it.

all of the above mad me angry face!! rawr