whats Arecibo ?
Space ? Well just exactly where is it someone might think we are going ? Then, so what? that may be their problem 100-200 ++++ years from now, why is it our responsibility to fund this outragously bloated space budget ? That is based on a pipe dream of somedays
I still greatly desire to see the rest of it and i'll add to my "annoying list" the typical American attitude that everyone should conform to US culture.
Though it serves multiple purposes, in short it's an observatory.
I find your views on space comical. Suppose, throughout history, inventors and great thinkers had taken your approach to technological advancement. How many "pipe dreams" have become realities because visionaries didn't share your short sighted perspective? And believe it or not, some folks are interested in the lives/well being of their successors here on earth.
Perhaps the thought of traveling to outer space doesn't interest the likes of those who have yet to travel west of the Mississippi. Just a thought.
Genres (in music)
When people bash Romeo saying he's a "yngwie junior"
DT irritates me a little, not the band per se, but how some of the fans are all like "I love prog! DT rules!" and haven't event heard of bands like Genesis, Yes and all those 70's prog kings. I know it's a stupid thing to get annoyed over, but it still annoys me![]()
There's no space between words and question marks, stop it.
Add that to my list of small things that irritate me.
What ?
Short sighted perspective ?
Pipe dreams ? Thoughts about living on another planet when for the life of them they have yet to find a single one that has the slightest doable environment and you are comparing this to what other pipe dreams that have become realities ? And you consider this pipe dream to be proof of your interests in the lives and well being of successors here on earth and I consider the money wasted that could be used elsewhere to be a sign of little interest in those that do or will live here and you write some retarded, wise ass degrading expression of "thoughts".... that were what again ? broad visioned ?
RE: respecting 'elders' - one of my defining moments in life was when i was about 21 sitting on a bus watching this old italian woman ranting about something, and it occured to me that she was a fucking idiot. and it was from that moment on i truly realised that it doesn't matter how old someone is it's the life they've led and their mindset and attitude and how it has carried them for that time that matters. older people aren't necessarily wiser, it depends on their experiences and moreso how they learn from it. some people live and learn young, and some not at all..
Hahaha yeah, I meant people IN other countries. We strange Americans think when we go there, they should act like we do.So, are you in favor of people who don't use americanized toilets shitting all over ours because they're used to shitting, quite literally, into a hole in the ground, and because they have some religion based toilet habits? I'm thinking you mean that people all over shouldn't have to conform to US culture, which I tend to agree with. If they are living & working here, they need to adapt to some of the more common things here, just as I would have to adapt if I was in their home country... For the love of the Creator, at least let them use the toilets the right way!
Hahaha yeah, I meant people IN other countries. We strange Americans think when we go there, they should act like we do.
About space research, green energy, and all that "pipe dream" stuff: Even supposing, at the worst possible scenario, that we find no aliens, we learn a bit about the universe, we might make it to mars and say, we don't even terraform it, that's still a better "waste of money" than dumping it all into programs designed to explode each other as a species. We tend to look at cannibalism as savage, uncivilized, and yet, we haven't really developed much above the feral. We simply have shinier ways of doing it.
More than one of you fine folks are right on the brink of a one week ban. Consider this a general warning; you won't get another.
How old was she, Charis? Perhaps dementia or Alzheimer's is to blame? Or perhaps she once sat beside her dying daughter in the hospital and watched the life she bore into this wold end, and since that day has been a wee looney?
Or we can consider cross-generational differences as well.
I don't think it's offpoint at all. I purposefully stuck that in there. The same people who scoff at space exploration scoff at alternative energy research. They feel we should stick with what we're comfortable with: bombing other countries and seizing their oil. Despite the fact that we will eventually run out of countries and oil, and not exploring space (another potential source of fuel for those backward-thinking people) is like putting all your eggs in one basket. If the Earth goes, bye bye humanity and all the wars, defense satellites, and trivial squabbles about money will be utterly vain. And this isn't something I am projecting in 40,000 years. Despite even today's best efforts, we are unable to track every moving object in our vacinity. Cutting funding to the world's largest radio telescope is like blinding yourself in the eye. Basically, a little/stupid thing that irritates me is how people are obsessed with now now now instead of "in the near future" and how they feel it's more important to play in the international sandbox than advance our real defense - that of all of us.