The 'Little/Stupid Things That Irritate You' Thread

I know what comes from aero research. But the money was there not elsewhere. I have no escape, Im going back to the earth just as my ancestors have and so will the rest of the mankind, till the bitter end. No one is going to fly off in a space machine into beautiful new horizons, this is it, this is where its at, this is our responsibility. Alot of life left in that good ol sun and its gonna keep coming up every morning and when the sky is clear its gonna be blue and when its not all things green will become greener or all things frozen will become whiter. That space nonsense is a rediculous budget and for the most part only entertains a small handful of scientists, sorry Im not impressed. I'd rather force the government to plant trees, control the population and have a controlled mass slaughter of wall street "traders" and COEs smacking down millions a year.... then resign without benefits. NOW THAT WOULD BE ENTERTAINMENT !......... lol
Curious comments, for sure. What it brings to mind is a definite lack of understanding of generational differences. I, of course, can't comment on generational boundaries in Australia, but I can see obvious lacks of understanding in the US.

Yas, you probably encounter quite a bit of "disrespect" from older generations simply because members of your generation are quite out of touch with simple etiquette and politeness from the older generation's paradigm.

Ken, if you meet somebody out on the street, say at a bus stop, and say they're 73 years old, do you automatically expect them to do something momentous to "earn your respect", or do you let them get on the bus ahead of you, even offering a helping hand if they need help stepping up onto the bus? And while you're sitting there at the bus stop waiting for the bus to come, do you stuff your MP3 player's ear phones into your ears and then turn up the volume, or do you pack away the music and ask him how his life has been? I'm sure he'll tell you some interesting stories, for sure.

My great aunt was difficult to live with, for sure; but, when you got her talking about the right stuff, she could spin yarns about all sorts of great stories. How she was one of the first women to join military service, how she survived the SF quake in '89, how she caught city bus to the VA in the middle of a heart attack, her life in the military and all the places she saw, her regrets of not having a family of her own, yadda yadda. How can one immediately call a person like that to prove why you, as a younger, should respect them? Here is somebody who gave her life to our country to ensure our freedoms, and simply because she can talk crazy at times she should not be respected?

Somebody talking crazy on a bus can "respectfully" be disagreed with, I'm sure.
I know what comes from aero research. But the money was there not elsewhere. I have no escape, Im going back to the earth just as my ancestors have and so will the rest of the mankind, till the bitter end. No one is going to fly off in a space machine into beautiful new horizons, this is it, this is where its at, this is our responsibility. Alot of life left in that good ol sun and its gonna keep coming up every morning and when the sky is clear its gonna be blue and when its not all things green will become greener or all things frozen will become whiter. That space nonsense is a rediculous budget and for the most part only entertains a small handful of scientists, sorry Im not impressed. I'd rather force the government to plant trees, control the population and have a controlled mass slaughter of wall street "traders" and COEs smacking down millions a year.... then resign without benefits. NOW THAT WOULD BE ENTERTAINMENT !......... lol

You misunderstand immortality with protecting the future of your species. If you care not for the future of your species, well that's not my problem. Furthermore, while the Sun will not go red giant for a very very long time, there are more immediate concerns. I mentioned impact. There's also nuclear war, pollution, and other manmade "oops". I don't really care if you're impressed by fuzzy images of other planets. The significance isn't for entertainment value.
There's no space between words and question marks, stop it.

Add that to my list of small things that irritate me.
Yes there is, right heres a whole shitload of them... what the fuck is the matter with you ?
He means at the end of a sentence. When you use question marks or exclamation points, you're putting a space between the last word and the ending punctuation.
So, are you in favor of people who don't use americanized toilets shitting all over ours because they're used to shitting, quite literally, into a hole in the ground, and because they have some religion based toilet habits?
Ah yes, bringing a discussion like this down to the level of people shitting all over toilets...J-Dub wins! :)

BTW, I left my old job without discovering who the "Mad Shitter" remains an X-File :(
He means at the end of a sentence. When you use question marks or exclamation points, you're putting a space between the last word and the ending punctuation.

because I like it that way and not the other. It is part of the sentence, not another character of a word. Thanks though :), I did know what he was talking about and my reply was total satire "when in Rome"

Question marks jambed up against the previous word bug the hell out of me, but alas I get by just the same

Ken, you misunderstand that I care more about the earth and this species gets what its looking for, its all about choices.

I also find it strange that I should place value in the lives of the elite handful and their offspring that would be chosen IF such an event were to ever take place, which it wont. We are hundred of years away in technology for such a feat, not to mention the trillions of dollars... then forget the fact that no one would live long enough on such an adventure anyhow. Way to much sci fi getting in the way of reality going on here.
Yas, you probably encounter quite a bit of "disrespect" from older generations simply because members of your generation are quite out of touch with simple etiquette and politeness from the older generation's paradigm.

I'm not too sure how to interpret the fact that you put disrespect in quotation marks, because I initially thought you were implying that bad attitudes are justifiable for anyone who is old, or that lack of manners does not equate with being disrespectful, or that poor treatment I've gotten doesn't count as disrespect. Come to think of it I'd call what I've experienced more along the lines of downright obnoxiousness as opposed to disrespect, so nevermind. I am speaking for myself, and I'm sure you (and the epic chatters :lol: ) are aware of my love of formalities, so I'm always taken aback by people who respond rudely to me when in fact, I address them with proper titles and speak to them in a professional manner. I guess they're just not used to it? ;)

My point is, I speak to everyone appropriately; I don't pick and choose when it comes to who I'm nice to. My manners do not go out the window when speaking with someone new because the last person I talked to was an asshole, and the same should apply for anyone regardless of their age.
It appears that sci-fi is merely a precursor to eventual reality though.

Yas, disrespect is in quotes because it is a relative word. Which behaviors an older person deems disrespectful are typically much different than the behaviors later generations deem disrespectful. I see in older generations (even in myself) that later generations' ideals and paradigms are lumped together and stereotypes are generated as a result. I would bet their "disrespect" toward you is a result of such stereotyping, or generational profiling, if you will. But I still hold fast that your best response would be to be a shining example of what your generation is truly capable of being (which it sounds like you do, aside from the name calling and put-downs of the absent on a public forum, of course ;) ).
Yas, disrespect is in quotes because it is a relative word. Which behaviors an older person deems disrespectful are typically much different than the behaviors later generations deem disrespectful. I see in older generations (even in myself) that later generations' ideals and paradigms are lumped together and stereotypes are generated as a result. I would bet their "disrespect" toward you is a result of such stereotyping, or generational profiling, if you will. But I still hold fast that your best response would be to be a shining example of what your generation is truly capable of being (which it sounds like you do, aside from the name calling and put-downs of the absent on a public forum, of course ;) ).

I totally understand what you're saying. I've lived in the world's biggest melting pot my whole life so I know a thing or two about relative mannerisms and what is considered acceptable by some and what isn't by others. For example, spitting is acceptable in China but here it isn't. With respect to dealing with people, it's a different situation, but there are parallels that can be drawn between all cultures, and they all boil down to the golden rule. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the objectivity of disrespect. I don't see how dirty looks, racial slurs, having stuff thrown at you, etc. can be seen as relative.
It appears that sci-fi is merely a precursor to eventual reality though.

and you have an example of this for me ?

dont tell me an ape actually climbed the Empire State building ?
or is it that thing about the space craft government cover up out in the desert

Rockyracoon said:
Bingo. Our experience here on earth has proven that time and time again. Say, wasn't experience something that razoredge was flapping the gills about earlier?

Ah yes, bringing a discussion like this down to the level of people shitting all over toilets...J-Dub wins! :)

BTW, I left my old job without discovering who the "Mad Shitter" remains an X-File :(

Hey! I needed clarification! :Saint: I was locked & loaded for big time combat, and with the clarification, I found we were on the same side, as I expected, but you NEVER know! We still have the occasional hover dumper here, but that was a rough 2-3 weeks where it was happening almost every day. Talk about disrespect!
Not to mention Around The World In 80 Days = Around The World In 15 Hours With Your Choice Of In Flight Movies. But this is digression. The reason I even brought this whole thing up is because I get annoyed that people write off scientific research when the "goal" is either not immediately available or not readily apparent to the non-scientist. Sure, we should avoid junk science and wasting money. The things I mentioned are neither, and could decide the future of humanity. The sci-fi to reality angle enters here, as we see in the near future (now, really) that this sort of colonization and terraforming is immediately possible for Mars. A whole new planet for people to fight over.
20,000 leagues under the sea 1870

Submarine - 1620
1800 French built Nautilus
war of 1812 man dies trying to attack a British ship in his submarine
1864 the Hunley sinks the Housatonic

hey, Verne was good but I'll wait for another example thats going to get me to the Enterprise and galaxies away. We'll ignore the wonderful life, we all know the astranauts come back and say how great it was to be cooped up and wish their trip wasnt cut short, the food and bathroom accommodations were great. Or how long it will take to get to this wonderful new planet, just waiting for us. Better get the map from Kirk before he looses any more of his marbles.
If it doesnt bother that there are no immeadiate results from space research why does it bother that there has been no imeadiate results for change on earth ?
20,000 leagues under the sea 1870

Submarine - 1620
1800 French built Nautilus
war of 1812 man dies trying to attack a British ship in his submarine
1864 the Hunley sinks the Housatonic

hey, Verne was good but I'll wait for another example thats going to get me to the Enterprise

I guess I should have gone more detailed. What was prophetic in his writings were the way in which the submarines operated, for example the fact that they're used in secrecy, how they had to surface (Diesels weren't invented until 1893), etc.