Stupid Things

Sweden perhaps? Maybe FDR-Carter USA. Of course if you're going to take such a harsh view of theft then we'll be talking past each other.

Sweden's government really has their shit together these days from what I've read. A rare case of a sizeable country running a budget surplus, and that despite a pretty huge welfare system. A few interesting features of their economy (though I don't understand them fully) are that they've stayed off the Euro and they have the only central bank with a negative interest rate toward commercial banks (as an inflationary control). Apparently they're working on privatizing most/all of their state-owned businesses as well.

Unfortunately about half the country's income goes toward tax revenue, but that number has been slowly dropping in recent years so I'm curious to see how far they're able/willing to bring it down.

But yeah, whether or not you agree with the idea of a "welfare state" it can obviously work if it's well managed and politics isn't dominated by an idiotic OMG CUTTING TAXEZ FIX EVARYTHING LOLOL mentality.
zabu of nΩd;9491231 said:
Unfortunately about half the country's income goes toward tax revenue, but that number has been slowly dropping in recent years so I'm curious to see how far they're able/willing to bring it down.

We just entered our second straight term with a center-right government. As long as they're on top the process of privatization, as well as tax-cutting, will continue.
Krampus, I'd like to know why you don't agree with the idea of cultural relativism.

I'm not against it blindly, but I'm not down with the "Oh it's their culture and we cannot possibly pass judgment on it as outsiders" excuse used to justify bullshit. I suppose it may be different because I am female and women are second-class citizens in a lot of countries.
We just entered our second straight term with a center-right government. As long as they're on top the process of privatization, as well as tax-cutting, will continue.

Do you think that's a good thing? I don't really know whether or not they support privatization/tax-cutting for sensible reasons.
Nothing grinds my ass more than when I hear about someone being "bullied to death" that commits suicide.

Grow some fucking balls and man up. (females are inherently cruel and hateful and dont need to grow testicles) You arent killing yourself because you were bullied, you killed yourself just because you couldnt handle reality in a short period of time, because, let's face it, unless you're physically deformed or something most things you're bullied about evaporate fairly quickly. You were a mentally weak human and weeded yourself out of the gene pool. Thank you Mr Darwin.
Sweden perhaps? Maybe FDR-Carter USA. Of course if you're going to take such a harsh view of theft then we'll be talking past each other.

Im also taking a long term view of sustainable, while you are looking at short term. It's like thinking you never have to pay back credit cards.

Edit: After reading up on Sweden, they really don't run on Keynesian economics since their bubble burst in the 90s.

They have deregulated, cut back on welfare, and are lowering the debt to GDP ratio, which means they only give out what they can. However, the citizens are taxed at 60%. Get a job and hand me 60% of your gross paycheck so I dont have to work please and get back to me on how you like the arrangement.
I'm not against it blindly, but I'm not down with the "Oh it's their culture and we cannot possibly pass judgment on it as outsiders" excuse used to justify bullshit. I suppose it may be different because I am female and women are second-class citizens in a lot of countries.

I value your opinion on cultural relativism as you are living in another culture while coming from the dominant "world culture". I'm ambivalent about this situation, really. While I think that a whole lot of cultural relativism is horsecrap, to an extent, I think that a certain degree of relativism must be maintained.

Certain standards regarding morality, ethics and equality should not be subjected to relativism. However, I find it stupid and utterly annoying when people from the west are judgmental about people from other parts of the world who (willingly) live with their parents or anything of that sort. I can't remember all those instances in which a healthy degree of relativism must be applicable, but you know what I'm saying?
Nothing grinds my ass more than when I hear about someone being "bullied to death" that commits suicide.

Grow some fucking balls and man up. (females are inherently cruel and hateful and dont need to grow testicles) You arent killing yourself because you were bullied, you killed yourself just because you couldnt handle reality in a short period of time, because, let's face it, unless you're physically deformed or something most things you're bullied about evaporate fairly quickly. You were a mentally weak human and weeded yourself out of the gene pool. Thank you Mr Darwin.

What a dickish thing to say. You didn't know any of the people talked about enough to properly judge their character. You berate them based on a couple facts.
I value your opinion on cultural relativism as you are living in another culture while coming from the dominant "world culture". I'm ambivalent about this situation, really. While I think that a whole lot of cultural relativism is horsecrap, to an extent, I think that a certain degree of relativism must be maintained.

Certain standards regarding morality, ethics and equality should not be subjected to relativism. However, I find it stupid and utterly annoying when people from the west are judgmental about people from other parts of the world who (willingly) live with their parents or anything of that sort. I can't remember all those instances in which a healthy degree of relativism must be applicable, but you know what I'm saying?

I think we are on the exact same page here Ananth. A healthy degree of relativism makes an open mind. Not enough relativism makes people roll their eyes. Like the whole outrage over the fact that Japanese people eat whales. News flash, it was the Western whaling industry that so horrifically depleted whale populations.
Devasya Chāyā;9492555 said:
What a dickish thing to say. You didn't know any of the people talked about enough to properly judge their character. You berate them based on a couple facts.

They killed themselves because they were picked on, tormented... fuck... welcome to every day of my life until age 14.

Killing yourself is the ultimate cop out.
While I agree about suicide, it's still pretty dickish to put up a standard against a group of people just because you had it as bad as them or worse.
I really can't fault anyone for committing suicide if a person is completely unsatisfied with their life and/or perhaps unwilling to change things.

If you're unsatisfied with a job or a relationship, you have the option to quit or break up. Your life is only as valuable as you believe it to be.
I think the phrase "it is what it is" is probably one of the stupidest things ever.