The 'Little/Stupid Things That Irritate You' Thread

I don't see today's issue as being lack of respect for elders, but rather just a general lack of respect. Respect is something that should be given to everyone until they act in a way that calls for something else...and in those cases, there is no reason age should make any difference. The assumption that everyone older than you is more experienced, wiser, and has been through more is just assumption.
Manners as I learned them included "respect your elders". I see far too little of that today.

I think the Dhammapada has an interesting take on this. Buddha wrote: (paraphrased) A man who is aged, but has not acquired wisdom, he is not called 'elder'. He is called 'Old-in-vain'. He who has acquired wisdom, he is called 'elder' even if he has not accumulated years.

Given the Buddhist definition, respect for elders is absolutely lacking.
I think the Dhammapada has an interesting take on this. Buddha wrote: (paraphrased) A man who is aged, but has not acquired wisdom, he is not called 'elder'. He is called 'Old-in-vain'. He who has acquired wisdom, he is called 'elder' even if he has not accumulated years.

Given the Buddhist definition, respect for elders is absolutely lacking.


As an Athiest with no care for Religion in any form.. Buddhism still manages to retain some respect and admiration from me :lol:
And, I don't think parents giving their kids a seat on the subway qualifies under your statement of looking after their offspring.

Yes it does. Making a kid stand for their grandparent is something that I find acceptable, but I really hate it when I see young parents clapping their behinds in a seat when their three year old is standing and holding onto poles at a level where sometimes people prop their feet. So while they're yammering away on their cell phones or listening to their ipods, their kids are rubbing their hands all over a surface where the bottom of people's shoes have touched, and they shove their hands in their mouth or they end up crying for attention. The other option is that they let their kids run amok in the train car doing as they please. It's a subway car, not a playground. End doors in cars are left unlocked in case of emergencies, and kids have opened these doors and died on the tracks. Learning to sit in one place and take in one's surroundings is a valuable thing that kids aren't taught these days.

All are respected until they show disrespect, then all bets are off and I can do asshole beyond the point most are comfortable with.

Well Ken, I guess you wouldnt like me much, I have been accused of at least 75% of your list and of course I have that poor "improper" grammer and spelling thing that must put me on the outs with Noble and Meedles too.... for the life of me I just dont know what my parents were thinking.

None the less many of you have yet to SEE the world at which time I hope you find worthy things to get all twisted up about. That suburban upbringing must be pretty sweet when these trivial little matters even have enough time to get under ones skin. Much of the dialog here kinda reminded me of those 10 minutes I spent with my jaw hanging open watching a "reality" show... such drama these days
A three-year-old is a different matter then... That's just crap parenting. But, again, we're talking about a lack of respect - people people have little respect for life in general, and instead concentrate all energies on their selves and wants and desires, forsaking the needs of those depending on them. Such lack of general respect can be directly attribute to much of the things written about in this thread.

And I always find it interesting that "atheists" try so hard to let everyone know their beliefs, or lack of them.

All are respected until they show disrespect, then all bets are off and I can do asshole beyond the point most are comfortable with.

Well Ken, I guess you wouldnt like me much, I have been accused of at least 75% of your list and of course I have that poor "improper" grammer and spelling thing that must put me on the outs with Noble and Meedles too.... for the life of me I just dont know what my parents were thinking.

Dude... you have good spelling and grammar. You where just being a jerk, that's all.:)
None the less many of you have yet to SEE the world at which time I hope you find worthy things to get all twisted up about. That suburban upbringing must be pretty sweet when these trivial little matters even have enough time to get under ones skin.

I've been to almost 20 countries, 49 states and lived in 4 states, two countries, and in the vacinity of more than 13 different cities. So... uh... :) I guess my cynicism towards humanity is a result of having seen the world. However, I still greatly desire to see the rest of it and i'll add to my "annoying list" the typical American attitude that everyone should conform to US culture.

All are respected until they show disrespect, then all bets are off and I can do asshole beyond the point most are comfortable with.

+1...however I'm *usually* more apt to just walk away with a smile on my face and not waste time on the person

and of course I have that poor "improper" grammer and spelling thing that must put me on the outs with Noble and Meedles too.... for the life of me I just dont know what my parents were thinking.

Granted you have had some posts in the past that required multiple reads to understand what the hell you were saying...things on an internet forum (especially here where threads play out more as on-going dialogue than anything else) don't bother me so much so long as the grammar/spelling are comprehendible and there isn't an eye-straining lack of punctuation. A big part of what I was getting at is the way most people my age talk nowadays:erk:

None the less many of you have yet to SEE the world at which time I hope you find worthy things to get all twisted up about. That suburban upbringing must be pretty sweet when these trivial little matters even have enough time to get under ones skin.

Well, the thread is titled "little/stupid things...". While some people's posts imply otherwise, I doubt most of these things are focal points of peoples' days or that they are actually getting bent out of shape over them.
I was just testing Razor to see if he picked up on it.:p

ABQshredHead said:
And I always find it interesting that "atheists" try so hard to let everyone know their beliefs, or lack of them.

Well, that was kind of out of the blue (Swabs), but I don't see how Atheists have been more outspoken on here than anyone else. Probably because it's hard to discuss in real life. Do you know any Atheists around you that will discuss their lack of believe in the same manner a person of faith would? The only way I can discuss it without people turning their backs on me is here. Seriously..

(I don't know if you meant on here or in person, so..)
I've been to almost 20 countries, 49 states and lived in 4 states, two countries, and in the vacinity of more than 13 different cities. So... uh... :) I guess my cynicism towards humanity is a result of having seen the world. However, I still greatly desire to see the rest of it and i'll add to my "annoying list" the typical American attitude that everyone should conform to US culture.

But have you really seen the world ?

I havent been west of the Mississippi and I have seen the world

and in doing so, except for the extreme drunk I have always been able to comprehend and accept any of the many varients of American English dialog, different peoples different points of view, most of them that is, there are some wack jobs I cant follow too well or can see beyond their small scope, something like that. Then again... I can do wack job too... these have been aquired skills over the years.... "when in Rome" as they say.
Got another one. People who say we should cut funding to Arecibo (which we did) and spend more on national defense (which we do). They also say space exploration is for the scifi geeks and we should focus on earth problems. while it does hold some merit (the second saying) they irritate me because they're not seeing the big picture - eventually we'll have to get off this rock because of pollution, lack of resources, over population, or impact.

and another...

Mediocre media selling massive copies. Movies, books. I'm thinking Dan Brown quality here. It's poorly conceived, yet the public eats it up and it gets lauded as genius.
I'm jumping on board with the obesity-related things.

I literally have less respect for obese people. I do not disrespect them overall, but they do go down a couple of notches. To me, it shows that they do not care about their health, have no self-control, and that they are lazy.

I find that fat people constantly complain about the fact that they are fat. It is their own fault 100%. I'm aware that genetics can lead a person into becomming obese, but they can still easily make changes and retain a healthy weight. They're always talking about how they're going to do something about it "next month", or "after these 18 deep-fried cheesecakes", and it is always b/s. I never believe a person when they say these things.
Got another one. People who say we should cut funding to Arecibo (which we did) and spend more on national defense (which we do). They also say space exploration is for the scifi geeks and we should focus on earth problems. while it does hold some merit (the second saying) they irritate me because they're not seeing the big picture - eventually we'll have to get off this rock because of pollution, lack of resources, over population, or impact.

and another...

Mediocre media selling massive copies. Movies, books. I'm thinking Dan Brown quality here. It's poorly conceived, yet the public eats it up and it gets lauded as genius.

I completely agree on both terms. The problem with the first is that we need to spend NOW developing these technologies. If something bad where to happen today, we would be fucked. It's probably just better to buy a bomb shelter!
Got another one. People who say we should cut funding to Arecibo (which we did) and spend more on national defense (which we do). They also say space exploration is for the scifi geeks and we should focus on earth problems. while it does hold some merit (the second saying) they irritate me because they're not seeing the big picture - eventually we'll have to get off this rock because of pollution, lack of resources, over population, or impact.

and another...

Mediocre media selling massive copies. Movies, books. I'm thinking Dan Brown quality here. It's poorly conceived, yet the public eats it up and it gets lauded as genius.

whats Arecibo ?

Space ? Well just exactly where is it someone might think we are going ? Then, so what? that may be their problem 100-200 ++++ years from now, why is it our responsibility to fund this outragously bloated space budget ? That is based on a pipe dream of somedays