Irrelevant things that make you smile

running into children and having the mother blame the kid
Getting A's on my tests
Getting hugs and kisses from dogs
Finishing my homework
I like when I see old men here in Belgrade, (pause) where you can tell they are from an old city family and not some hicks that moved to the city recently, they dress up in full, classy suits to go to the park and shoot the shit with another equally dapper old man.

It's just cool for me to see, like imagining that his father too used to dress up like that to go out in public, no matter where he was going.
Watching people walk their dogs.
When the doggie turns it's head, looks at it's owner and wags as it's walking...I dunno, I find that magical.

They always have that goofy smiley face when they do that, too...I love dogs

awww that's so true!!! I love that too!
Shrike does that to me all the time... He looks up: "oh hi mommy!" tail wags, and then: "oh whats that smell?" LOL
dogs are so 'happy-go-lucky" I love that!
I also love to watch people walk their dogs Lesa!
When I stop at red light and there is a person walking their dog- my eyes just lock on them and their dog lol

aww :)
Coming home from the gym and sitting down, knowing you just put everything you had into it.

When I get to work, do all my morning stuff, then just go lean on the bar and just wait for the first customer... those minutes are always the best of my day.

The first one: YESSS It's such an awesome feeling, and very addictive! (in the best way possible)

The second :wow, totally! When I used to bar-tend, I felt the same way about those minutes :)
The feeling you get when pulling off a song you've been trying for weeks to play well.

EDIT: Also the feeling when you and your band are completely in sync with each other mentally and it shines through in your playing.
It's something solely with rhythm, imo. I mean, a nice lead break that comes out of nowhere is cool but when you all lock into a kickass groove, in whichever time signature, there's just nothing better.
When you're doing laundry and you shake the filter for the dryer to get the lint out, and it comes off in one solid clean sheet of lint. I dunno why, thats really satisfying.
awww that's so true!!! I love that too!
Shrike does that to me all the time... He looks up: "oh hi mommy!" tail wags, and then: "oh whats that smell?" LOL
dogs are so 'happy-go-lucky" I love that!
I also love to watch people walk their dogs Lesa!
When I stop at red light and there is a person walking their dog- my eyes just lock on them and their dog lol

aww :)

Yay! It's why I like doggies - they just want love :)
I also love it when I'm sad or upset, and my dog (or someone elses) sits next to me, leans against me and gives me that forlorn look. They always know whats going on, and it's kinda like they're saying, "aww, why so sad??" Then they tap your arm with their paw and ask for pettin's (with a sort of mischievous look..and tail waggle). My dad's dog did that to me today, haha.

Another thing...I also love walking into a garden during a warm summer day, plucking sun-warmed cherry tomatoes right of the vine and popping them into my mouf..nom nom nom.

Nothing is better than garden ones taste like fish!! :yuk: