I'm drunk

Depends on how old you are and if you turn into a fuckhead when you are drunk. Do you have kids, wife, responsibilities?
Do you drink at work/school?
Do you have enough disposable income to be drunk all the time?
Do you have erectile problems when you are drunk?
If you are female disregard last question....
Do you get hangovers?
Do you have suicidal tendencies?
Do you have a large bladder?
Can you scream your own name whilst in mid-vomit?

These are all important factors to take into consideration
@Karelrulez: Damn right! :kickass: :heh:

@PoisOnSeed: Well, do you drink because you want to, or you have to?
If the last is the case, you have a problem. If the first is the case too often, you also have a problem.

Solution: drink less, I think the effects of alcohol suck, when you drink too much. Half a bottle of good wine creates a good state of drunkeness for the common drinker, and leaves you quite in control as long as you don't decide to drive.
Taliwakker said:
Depends on how old you are and if you turn into a fuckhead when you are drunk.
22, i don't bother anyone
-Do you have kids, wife, responsibilities?
No kids, no wife, some responsibilities
-Do you drink at work/school?
My work involves alcohol :kickass:
-Do you have enough disposable income to be drunk all the time?
I've got enough
-Do you have erectile problems when you are drunk?
Depends on the level of alcohol circulation
-Do you get hangovers?
Bad ones :rock:
-Do you have suicidal tendencies?
-Do you have a large bladder?
Same as above
-Can you scream your own name whilst in mid-vomit?
rofl :worship:
kosh said:
@PoisOnSeed: Well, do you drink because you want to, or you have to?
If the last is the case, you have a problem. If the first is the case too often, you also have a problem.
I work until 2-3am, I need something to calm me down.
So, I choose alcohol, weed doesn't have the same effect on me anyway...
Being drunk kicks ass. But I've got all those responsibilities now...so it's very infrequent for me; I get headaches after 1 beer now.

You are 22 with no tiedowns...enjoy it!!! :rock:

Just make sure that you really ENJOY it and it's not just a daily routine...that's kinda what happened to me...I needed like 8 beers just to fall asleep. Not good...expensive too.
My guitar teacher had a sleeping disorder. It went on for decades and he never had it diagnosed as a disorder. To fall asleep, he'd pound a few beers. This happened every night. He fell into a major depressed state, especially after he lost one of his daughters to leukemia. He finally went to a doctor and they did a sleep study on him. They prescribed some medicine and he was able to sleep well enough each night and no longer needed alcohol to fall asleep. He doesn't drink a bit these days and he has overcome his depression. Now he is with his wife in Houston for her cancer treatment. They've been there for six months and will be there at least another six. But he hasn't gone back to the bottle.

Alcoholism is evil and can develop from even the most mundane drinking. I would be super careful if I was you. But I'm not. Do what you will, but I would recommend something better for inducing sleep - like chamomile tea.

ABQShredHead said:
My guitar teacher had a sleeping disorder. It went on for decades and he never had it diagnosed as a disorder. To fall asleep, he'd pound a few beers. This happened every night. He fell into a major depressed state, especially after he lost one of his daughters to leukemia. He finally went to a doctor and they did a sleep study on him. They prescribed some medicine and he was able to sleep well enough each night and no longer needed alcohol to fall asleep. He doesn't drink a bit these days and he has overcome his depression. Now he is with his wife in Houston for her cancer treatment. They've been there for six months and will be there at least another six. But he hasn't gone back to the bottle.

Alcoholism is evil and can develop from even the most mundane drinking. I would be super careful if I was you. But I'm not. Do what you will, but I would recommend something better for inducing sleep - like chamomile tea.

Oh man your guitar teacher has been and is been going through some rough times :( , I hope he'll be OK in the end.
karelrulez said:
Oh man your guitar teacher has been and is been going through some rough times :( , I hope he'll be OK in the end.
Yes, he has and is. Thank you for your sentiments. His wife is very bad off. This is the third time she's been stricken with cancer. She's beaten it the other two times, but from his updates things are pretty bleak. They're not giving up though and neither am I. She was due to be in surgery to have a football-sized tumor removed from her left thigh, but I haven't received an update yet. Thankfully, they are receiving a great deal of support from their church and friends. She is a fabulous singer and I can't wait to hear her voice again.
To ABQShredHead: I really hope everything works out well for your teacher. He's a tough guy
Satanic rabbit, I know what you're talking about. My 1 beer always becomes 7-8 and then (if i got enough time) they'll just not stop until I get too sleepy or if I'm to dizzy to even fall asleep then :Puke:
but wtf, these are my best years so: :rock: :kickass::Smokin:

and btw shouldn't tea have the opposite effect? I thought it's a mild caffeine substitute :err:
i can play better when drunk... it think its pretty cool to be drunk every time u can as long as u dont affect anyone... and as long u got a nice bathroom to pee in
by7 the way, do u know how to use the technique where u walk and pee at the same time so u dont get caught and u can do it on the street (at night) I have used it.... and its good
Xerox dribbled
i can play better when drunk... it think its pretty cool to be drunk every time u can as long as u dont affect anyone...

I'm sure you liver thinks its pretty cool too......what do you play when you're drunk? Hopscotch,scrabble,catch-n-kiss????
Pois0nSeed said:
To ABQShredHead: I really hope everything works out well for your teacher. He's a tough guy
Thanks again. I received word this morning that his wife is in surgery today to have the tumor removed. It will be 10 hours of agony for John, I'm sure.

Pois0nSeed said:
but wtf, these are my best years so: :rock: :kickass::Smokin:
Ah, youth is indeed wasted on the young.

Pois0nSeed said:
and btw shouldn't tea have the opposite effect? I thought it's a mild caffeine substitute :err:
Depends on the type of tea. Get something that says caffeine free and has a sleep-inducer added. "Sleepy Time" tea is a good one. Or Chai tea is somewhat calming as well. Not that I'm a big tea snob - I hardly drink the stuff, but I do pay attention to what's on the supermarket shelves. Now, a beer snob may be a more fitting label...
To ABQShredHead (just a supportive post):
Actually, I've had a similar situation. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 3 years ago. Luckily, he was diagnosed in time, because it showed up to be rapid evolving kind (about 5-6 weeks later and the cancer would have spread to the lymph nodes, which is fatal). He had the surgery and went on hormonal treatment for a month or two. I can still recall the day when he, after the therapy, went to the hospital to get his biopsy results that would show if the cancer had fully disappeared. Well, it had, but still I can remember how i really couldn't believe what was happening. I thought it was some kind of joke... Reality can strike you pretty hard.

To everyone: sorry for posting a Symphony X irrelevant and "none-of-your-business" post :)