I'm drunk

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Drinking can be very pleasurable. It can also be very hazardous, not so much to your health; but to your vigilance. People have tried to take advantage of me and/or have robbed me while I was drunk. I've also done some of the most stupid things that I would never conceivably do while drunk. If you drink, you really need to watch your shit. If you're with people you totally trust and/or you're in a totally safe environment; feel free to get absolutely fitshaced.

I tend to drink a little more than usual(which is a lot) when I go to Symphony X concerts(I have a very interesting story about this- the first time I ever saw Symphony X, which I may post later). Because let's face it; when I'm really having a good time, I just want to maximize it and maximize it and max- well you get the picture. I think I have an addictive personality; whatever I do, I do to excess(needless to say, which is why I stay completely away from drugs).

Bottom line: Drinking can be extremely fun; but gambling and drinking never never mix.
Pois0nSeed said:
To ABQShredHead (just a supportive post):
Actually, I've had a similar situation. My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 3 years ago. Luckily, he was diagnosed in time, because it showed up to be rapid evolving kind (about 5-6 weeks later and the cancer would have spread to the lymph nodes, which is fatal). He had the surgery and went on hormonal treatment for a month or two. I can still recall the day when he, after the therapy, went to the hospital to get his biopsy results that would show if the cancer had fully disappeared. Well, it had, but still I can remember how i really couldn't believe what was happening. I thought it was some kind of joke... Reality can strike you pretty hard.

To everyone: sorry for posting a Symphony X irrelevant and "none-of-your-business" post :)
Thanks again for the supportive comments. I am happy to hear your father is in remission. My wife's grandfather is currently fighting prostate cancer himself. If anybody is interested in an update on John's wife, she had surgery Friday to have her tumor removed and everything went well. However, they had to cut a piece from her side to use to fill in the hole left by the tumor. Saturday morning, blood was not getting to that piece and they had to go back in for surgery. They had to leave the wound open in the interim though, which caused excruciating pain. I haven't heard any further updates.
That's terrible :( Still, all these surgeries are a passing state and what really matters is that she will live through this and then the rest of her life peacefully.
Hope everything works out for your wife's grandpa man, prostate cancer is hard but also has a high cure rate. That's good! :)