I'm frustrated.

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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Hey all.

What am I frustrated about??? I'm glad you asked.

I'm frustrated by our lack of focus and leadership in our government. Specifically, using air power exclusively. I don't believe we can accomplish anything with air power alone. I feel that we won't capture any of the terrorists unless we come in with a massive ground force. Maybe it would be a good idea to use their hatred of us to our advantage....We bomb from the air, they hide, but if we put troops on the ground maybe the temptation to come out of hiding to get a shot at us would be too great. When they come out, we can unleash conventional methods of warfare on them. Maybe??
Another thing:
Billions of our tax dollars being funneled into the pockets of the wealthiest 1 percent in this country, under the pretense of helping our economy. Rich people who own the businesses aren't going to hire people when there isn't a demand for product. The money needs to be in the hands of the consumer...drive up the demand for product...increasing the demand for workers to meet that demand....maybe??

Another thing:
What the hell is our government doing when they ask school children to become pen pals sending mail back and forth to children from muslim countries during an outbreak of terrorism using our mail system? I don't want my kids touching any mail right now.

Try as I might to be calm, I find myself growing more uneasy.
I'm not scared, as the media would have us all believe we should be. I'm pissed. :mad:
Well put....

But I don't think our plan is to do an air war forever. We have the time and money to wipe out every last tank, helocopter, military outpost ot vehicle we can find. That way when we do invade, thats one less possibility for American casualties...

Remember, the republicans are in power. That means the rich get richer....

But there's also noone I'd rather have in power during a war. They don't have any compassion for most Americans (the non-rich), so they certainly aren't going to have any for the terrorists..

A Hard-line Independent. Vote McCain!!!
I understand Mr.H! I think a lot of people feel like that right now.

Point#1: As far as the Afghan situation goes, keep in mind that things are rarely what they seem to be. I always remind myself that the generals in charge, etc all know about a billion times more than we know about what's really going on. I'm not sure that a person can reasonably draw conclusions from the bits of information gathered from the media and breifings. It's certainly not easy to do, but I guess we all just have to trust the people in charge. After all, war is their profession.

Point#2: This is one of those, "don't get me started subjects". I despise the republican platform. It's a load of bullshit. I could write volumes about this, but let's just say that I've never seen money "trickle down" to anyone in my entire life. (Except maybe the billion dollar fighter jet contract Bush just sent to his homeboys in Ft.Worth Texas today :rolleyes: ) I will never understand how the republicans ever sold Americans on that lie. What kind of a dumbass does a person have to be to beleive that they will gain income by making other people wealthy?

Point#3: It's things like this "Pen Pal" stunt that the republicans try to use to make you forget that they really hate your (and everyone else's) guts.

Dammit, now you got me all worked up here! :mad:

:lol: :lol: :loco: ;)
Here in Australia, our government is doing rash things as well. Sure, the attacks of Sept.11 didn't hit Australia, but we have a society here similar to that which is being opposed by Bin Laden.

We are just 2 weeks out from a general election, and basically our current Government, the Liberal Party (similar to your Republican Party), has pledged half of our navy to supporting the allied regime in the middle east. Our Prime Minister is pushing his campaign on international leadership and security... and while we have had a Goods & Services consumption tax (GST, Liberal Party policy) for over 15 months now, they seem a little uneasy to campaign on domestic issues -- families here are really doing it tough.

All that aside, with half our navy and SAS troops assigned to the middle east, I'm now getting extremely nervous. Indonesia is now the biggest Muslim state on Earth. Civil unrest there is as bad as it is in Pakistan. Indonesia also has the 4th largest ground army on Earth. If Indonesian Muslims wanted a target to counter America, they'd go for the communications network in Australia first -- hence an invasion of Australia.

That's what I'm mostly afraid of, and I'm ready to fight.