im going to the dog pound tomorrow....

Larf03 said:
...If he is stupid and runs after his tail all day... you could call him Fred :)

HAHA, my other dogs name is Fred. Small poodle that barks at everything.

@Karen: Yeah, I love Rex. He's huge, untrained, but he has a good heart and loves everyone. So stupid he is cute.
the first one was from Babylon...Nebachenezzar was an emperor or something i believe and Balthazzar (although it the name of one of the wisemen) was a common name of the ancient world
i got a dog!
he is AMAZING!
a 3 months old mutt, a mix of Coonhound and a labrador (mutts are the best)

i had no idea how "hard" it is to adopt a dog nowadays.
you fill an application, you have an interview to see if you are qualified to have a dog, then they have a house visit (!!) and only then, you get your dog....!
Its good on one hand- that way we will know that dogs are going to good and loving homes, However, i want him NOW!!!!! hahaha

thankyou all for offering me cool names!
i decided to name my dog Shrike
(like the god type creature from Dan Simmon's series of books: The Fall of Hyperion. those books are fantastic! and Shrike is such a good name for that puppy... he is sooo..... sooo..... Shrike!)


pics soon!
Dead_Lioness said:
^ you will!

(once you'll drag your asses to Arlington to have a beer like we talked about AGES ago.
you guys dont need an invitation- you know that, just give me a call, and hit the road :) )

kein bier fur mich, but ok! :tickled:
Dead_Lioness said:
to get a new puppy !!!!!!!!!!

help me chose a cool name...
it has to be something cool.... and not something like:
"rex" or "Star" or anything dumb....

my other pets are named: Tulus and Edgar = cats
and Pier is my older dog
so that gives you an idea what i like...

help me pick a name!!! :Spin:
malikia or mystic
sorry so late. here's a clue change the name. (joking)