I'm looking for some career guidance


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
So, I'm a sophomore at a local state college. I'm getting my AA right now and planning on going for business. However, after the 2 year struggle, I am not happy. I gave business a chance, and I understand it just fine, but I don't enjoy it. I do not want to sit behind a desk all day and file meaningless paper work. Starting college, I really wanted to do music/music business/recording. Well, there isn't a great opportunity for that, at least as opposed to a general business degree. However, like I said, I'm sick of it and after 2 years, I think I want to make the jump into something I will actually enjoy doing for my occupation. I obviously enjoy working with sound and recording. I was thinking about heading somewhere to pursue that. However, I don't really know what the job outlook for that is. I wouldn't be opposed to anything. Working maybe at a theme park (I live in Florida and plan on moving to Orlando in 5 months) running sound or anything along those lines. I know you can't just jump into a studio, but I wouldn't mind getting my foot in somewhere as a "do boy".

I just want to enjoy my life, and I think that enjoying everyday is a bit better than looking down at a few extra dollars on your paycheck.

Is it something you go to school for? I mean, how did you guys (assuming there *are* people in the business here) start out? I live close to Full Sail University, but have been warned to stay away. 2 of my band mates go there and they love it, but it doesn't seem worth the 75k you pay for tuition...

I apologize if there have been a lot of threads on this before, I couldn't find them. I wouldn't even know what to search for. But again, thank you for any input that you guys might have. :kickass:
I am getting my AS in computer and electrical engineering simply from my love of music, and wanting to know how to build, repair, mod and design music equipment, and I can say so far its great. Even if I don't get into the music world with it, it definately takes me to my second love of computers and the idea of working for designers like intel or cisco if I am not doing something music realated is still a huge win for me. I am going to ITT Tech, 45K for an AS 80K for the BS.

My advice is if your really don't like it, pull out before you waste even more money and go do somethign that you want to do, I wouldn't recommend doing anything music related as your main studies, but more as an extracirricular activity, and do a main studies that can indirectly be used in the music industry, (like EE). They way I am set, if I take some business classes, I could start my own studio where I charge local bands for demos or even start my own guitar amplifier company being the head research and development desinger.

If you take a long time to think about it, you can find what you want to do that can indirectly be related to music, you just have to want it enough.
get your degree in business and try to build doing AE on the side; or save up enough money so you can do it and not need money;
as for career prospects.......
Its fucking hard to get into; and if your managing your own business a shit ton of responsibility!
I'm glad that i have a manager to do all that crap for me!
It was a joke dude - you seemed bummed out, and the comment was my way of trying to cheer you up.

Lighten up.

nahh I know, man. It's all good. lol

Well, I did some research. I could go to a community college in Orlando (Valencia) and do their AS Sound Technology Program for roughly 5000 dollars, which is a far cry from Full Sail's 47,000 dollar AS program.

How lame would it look to a potential employer to see an A.A. degree and an A.S. degree instead of a Bachelors in Business...? lol.

Like someone said ^ business, as much as I don't enjoy it, will probably be what I continue with, unfortunately, but I am eventually, hopefully, going to return to get the A.S. in sound technology. I doubt that when I graduate with a business degree I will want to return back to school for something like that, but if the economy is still terrible, what do I have to lose? I might as well be going back to school...