I'm on a Mac...


I Prefer EL-34s. So What?
Feb 21, 2006
....For the first time ever in my life.

It's quick, and the screen is nice.

Otherwise I don't really see why people say its better than a windows based PC.

I do have to say the Linux type styling is very nice.....
Used the AudioMIDI setup yet? That little thing alone kicks so much ass. Haven't seen something like that in Windows, but maybe it will appear in Windows 7.

But seriously, this thread will turn into a Mac vs PC thread as usual.
Welcome aboard! I didn't get the whole macs are better argument until a few months of owning one. I could count the number of crashes on one hand I've had so far, which I used to get daily on the PC. My experience, I'm not saying all PCs are bad. I love my PC for everything else though, internet, writing reports, editing photos etc so I have a love for both, see, not starting any debate here :D
i just started work for apple tech support and couldnt see the benefit of macs past video/audio applications, but after two weeks of training on them i'm close to buying a macbook pro, only i'm gonna wait til they release an update for Pro-Tools so it can work with Snow-Leopard...
FYI this thing only cost me $599 brand new, Mac Mini....

Well that doesn't include the screen price but whatever....

I just couldn't pass up the price, and I wanted to try one out, so I figured this would be the way to go. I'm using it as my daily PC only, to relieve stress on my DAW.