im perplexed.. need girls' opinions

@Stygian_A, you look like someone who belong in a rock band.
Speedkill said:
Maybe I should take you off AIM. You're starting to scare me.


Yeah, I can be a little odd. You should see me in real life I am almost more restrained online than I am in person.
Who cares if people lilke you or not?

Believe it or not, lots of ugly guys get sex, even with chicks that you'd think are way above them. It's all about confidence.

And also, I don't think you're ugly dude, you would have no problems getting a great girl. Just be more confident in yourself! :)
first of all...when you send a pic to a girl they won't say "god damn he's fucking ugly" or even "i guess he's alright looking", they'll say "wow, that a really good pic" because girls are like that. So how do you know what they really think?
It's true that girls are generally more diplomatic (at least I am) because we're made of sugar and spice and all that crap :p I avoid hurting people's feelings BUT if you're unbearably hideous I would just go, "Nice pic."

By the way, that's a nice pic.

Nah, seriously. You're not bad at all, although you look like you're posing in that pic ;) Also, you don't look like Justin Timberlake. Why would you want to anyway? He just makes me want to smash his face in. You're cute and you have nice lips. Be natural :)
bleed for me said:
first of all...when you send a pic to a girl they won't say "god damn he's fucking ugly" or even "i guess he's alright looking", they'll say "wow, that a really good pic" because girls are like that. So how do you know what they really think?
no they dont say that, they usually just block me if they think im ugly.