I'm planning a trip to Europe, where should i go?

I've interrailed Europe this summer so I have pretty up-to-date information :

Best country overall : Italy . You should definately see Rome and Florence if you're interested in historical sites , museums and stuff like that . Don't stay in Venice for more than 1 or 2 days ; it's a nice city but lacks variety .

You should also pay a visit to Barcelona . It's a great city with a vivid nightlife , lots of young tourists , a very relaxed atmosphere during the day and great people . You should stay at the "Hostel Kabul" , it's one of the best hostels of Europe .

Amsterdam is also a nice city but I guess it's very cold out there this time of the year . If you go there don't forget to visit the Red Light . (during the day of course when there are discounts !! ) If you can , find the girl called Wendy , long legs , tan skin , blonde , really kind and has wonderful eyes . I think she's on the second street or something but I can't exactly remember . Anyway ...

And of course if you're looking for THE place to go , come here to Istanbul . It has everything : History , nightlife , cheapest prices in Europe , anything you can ask for .

If you're interested send me an e-mail or something and I'll send you every bit of info regarding the cities I've mentioned above ... Have fun and don't hesitate a single minute !
Well, you CANNOT skip Scotland. If you're going to Sweden anyhow, you might as well make the effort to see Norway. It's like Sweden, only the stuff that's good about Sweden is even better in Norway (Gods strike me down now - that was very unpatriotic of me...). And don't bother making the pilgrimage to Tumba...trust me!
As for the wallet, you do have an inter rail pass, right? It's the cheapest way to get around and the best way to meet people, and you don't need to be someplace at a set time, so you can change your mind and go someplace weird that you hadn't thought of last minute.
As for Tumba, Tyra, I did check it out as a tourist and I have to agree that it's not that much worth of sightseeing. We have a red light district in Copenhagen too, so if you pass by here make sure to visit Istedgade on Vesterbro aka Vesterbrooklyn and lookign for cheap porn. It's a very fucked area and for some reason many people come up to me when I'm there asking if I wanna buy some pills etc.

I should check out some more of European culture too but at the moment however I'm buys enough visiting Jutland, the other part of Denmark, where I hope to be moving..someday...a much nicer mentality and better place to be.
As a matter of fact, I study and work in Roskilde so I'm there all day. It's a good place yeah, a lot of historical landmarks and shit like that, and the huge festival.
Hahaha! Fucking oath! It used to be a nice city but it turned out to be a niggah hood cause I moved there. Anyway I'm doing some vacation to Århus år Ålborg soon cause Jutland is so metal and nice fucking oath I must move there, I'd be sooo supercute talking that melodic Jute accent too..
AHahahahahhah! Man, you would have at your feet all the most beautiful women speaking in roman!!! Daje, Patric! Daje, cazzo!!!;)
Ok here's the deal.... you want extreme ultimate experience?
fucking ISRAEL is the place!!! :rock:

Seriously its kinda cool here, and there's alot to see all over the country. Myself I can't believe that there's so much over a 430 km strip of land.... I'm surprised every time I go tripping....
Beorn of MythOdeviL said:
Ok here's the deal.... you want extreme ultimate experience?
fucking ISRAEL is the place!!! :rock:

Seriously its kinda cool here, and there's alot to see all over the country. Myself I can't believe that there's so much over a 430 km strip of land.... I'm surprised every time I go tripping....

i have to agree with you on that one.
AMAZING place.
dont believe anything you see on the news.
Dead_Lioness said:
i have to agree with you on that one.
AMAZING place.
dont believe anything you see on the news.
That's right kids, the news are full of lies....

Hold it, you WERE in Israel? Ever?!:hotjump:
I live over here in Michigan in the States but I've been to Europe - and I can tell you there's about two places you REALLY gotta see in Europe - NORWAY cause of the beautiful scenery / viking ruins / awesome Norwegian everything - everything's awesome there, and GERMANY - it's chock full of old castle ruins and castles u can tour - along with tons of badass old medieval towns & great beer. Both have kickass scenery, lots of old ruins, churches, & castles, and lots of small medieval towns w/ cool shops and locals. So remember, If going to Europe, just keep 2 words in mind: NORWAY / GERMANY!!! - The 2 most NORDICALLY / GERMANICALLY BADASS PLACES ON EARTH!!! :rock:
Cadarn said:
AHahhaahahahhah! Va bene! Daje means "fucking c'mon!"
The mountainside, man! Tagliacozzo and Roccacerro are the places to visit!!!
Man the more rainy and fucking grey it gets here the more I wanna go to you in Italia to cherish our passions...big time eating drinking etc :rock: