im scared...


Idle Blood
Apr 25, 2006
...that katatonia will turn all popular and do a 'nightwish'.
one of the things i like about them (apart from the beautiful music) is that not everyone knows about them.

what do you think?
yeah, i love that too, that they are kind of exclusive, and not everyvody can enjoy them, and thats because is not a music for everybody, not everybopdy could feel katatonia, the true meaning of their music, and besides, and about become nightwish, ha! that would never happen, y trust this guys so much, damn if i dont.
Heh. Who cares about popularity if the music remains intact?

I do think its annoying when newer, not as good material gets more recognition than the best material. That's the case for many bands methinks. Opeth - "Ghost Reveries" and Nevermore - "Dead Heart In A Dead World" are some of the worst cases IMO.
nimicitor said:
...that katatonia will turn all popular and do a 'nightwish'.
one of the things i like about them (apart from the beautiful music) is that not everyone knows about them.

what do you think?

Im getting sick of this subject....because people are showing lack of trust in Katatonia............but just to entertain you here is a whole thread kind of about this.....
I think that you should read the other threads, it's been already discussed there the same subject.

Anyway, you're new so it's not your fault. Not that I'm old in this forum, I still consider myself as a new member of this forum.

I think that Katatonia will never change their sound because of being more popular. Their fans have faith in them, and they know that, so they keep the good work. There's no worry about such thing. The reason for changing their sound in the early years, is explained in interviews and it has Nothing to do with popularity, as the band, at least for me, was underground back then.
nimicitor said:
...that katatonia will turn all popular and do a 'nightwish'.'s a little off topic, but....BWARGH!! This crap about "Nightwish are becoming commercial!" gets my ears ringin' since the Release of Century Child. I mean...what the hell? They evolved their the did with Wishmaster and earlier with Oceanborn and after Century Child they did the same thing with Once. They just did, what they did with every album before, so why does everyone say "they changed to be more successfull"? They didn't fuckin' become popular all of a sudden. They have achieved their success little by little and worked hard for it, so I think they deserve it.

And why the hell should it be bad, if katatonia would be more successfull? At least successfull enough to live from what they're doing. Who would begrude it to them, huh? They deserve it to be rewarded for all the years of surely damn hard work, as any other Band, that does it the same way. So what?
you getting the wrong end of the stick.:p
think about all these 13,14,15+ yr olds (no offence) that like things because everyone else does. its happened to nightwish recently. its nothing to do with the bands, (katatonia and nightwish get stronger musicly with each album) its about a chain of people who like it because someone else does. they don't understand the real meaning of the music/lyrics and just listen to it to look better. another example is korn, they make some good music, not the best, but they are a rock band but you see people who are 9 years old or a real fuckin chav with their merch and cds just so they fit in.
its not about fitting in its about appreciating all the hard work that goes into making this beautiful music.
i don't want to see this happening to katatonia, they are such a perfect band they only deserve real fans and not these wannabees that seem to be being produced at the moment.
nimicitor said:
you getting the wrong end of the stick.:p
think about all these 13,14,15+ yr olds (no offence) that like things because everyone else does. its happened to nightwish recently. its nothing to do with the bands, (katatonia and nightwish get stronger musicly with each album) its about a chain of people who like it because someone else does. they don't understand the real meaning of the music/lyrics and just listen to it to look better. another example is korn, they make some good music, not the best, but they are a rock band but you see people who are 9 years old or a real fuckin chav with their merch and cds just so they fit in.
its not about fitting in its about appreciating all the hard work that goes into making this beautiful music.
i don't want to see this happening to katatonia, they are such a perfect band they only deserve real fans and not these wannabees that seem to be being produced at the moment.
Ok...really got you wrong. My apologies. What you're talking about is unfortunately a disease many popular bands have to suffer under. But this is not just a matter of age. There can be 12yr old kids, who understand and feel the music and..for example.. 26yr olds who like it to be "one of the others" or whatever this is called in english. (My english sucks..sorry)

That is the problem..if this happens, we and the band can't do anything about this..only tryin' not to get mad about far as possible
who fucking cares.....for all I know nimicitor is a fucking 14 year old who is worried about other 14 year olds liking what he likes........Katatonia could be on MTV and have constant radio play and be liked by 5 year olds who wear their shirts to school and act like they have been fans since JEM came out........and I would not care.....this exclusivity bullshit is for children.....for people who want to be unique......"I want to be the only person who likes katatonia so when I talk to other kids they will think Im hardcore underground because they dont know who Katatonia is"

go cry to fucking babies.

not trying to be a dick....but guys bitching about other people who will listen to them and wear their merch but not understand their music? guys just want to be cool and exclusive....

grow up.
well, I was going to find a less offensive and more diplomatic way to describe what deliverance6 just posted....but why the hell would I do that? What he said!
Yes, Deliverance is rght, who cares? There was a time when you could see Peter Tägtgren on MTV every fucking 10 minutes, so what? I didn't start to love him less from that. The only risk we have is that we'll get loads of 12-years old chicks on the forum who will praise everything connected with Jonas, Anders and the rest of the company. It will be annoying of course, but this is what you can live with, I guess.
Deliverance6 said:
who fucking cares.....for all I know nimicitor is a fucking 14 year old who is worried about other 14 year olds liking what he likes........Katatonia could be on MTV and have constant radio play and be liked by 5 year olds who wear their shirts to school and act like they have been fans since JEM came out........and I would not care.....this exclusivity bullshit is for children.....for people who want to be unique......"I want to be the only person who likes katatonia so when I talk to other kids they will think Im hardcore underground because they dont know who Katatonia is"

go cry to fucking babies.

not trying to be a dick....but guys bitching about other people who will listen to them and wear their merch but not understand their music? guys just want to be cool and exclusive....

grow up.

Someone got a load off their chest, I'm guessing ;) I agree completely. I mean, what the hell, if someone makes music you love, why wouldn't you want them to make money with it so they can carry on making more music? I've been watching metal bands go big in Finland in the past five years, bands that I've liked for ten years or so, and I'm fuckin' glad for every one of them, because their hard work is finally paying off.

I have to admit I've had one weak moment though. I was browsing through magazines in a local supermarket, around the time when Crimson was just released by Sentenced. A bunch of teenage girls were doing the same, going through magazines and being all peppy. One of them spots a Sentenced interview and goes all wild about, "It's my new favourite band!". Then the chick turns around and finds a new magazine: "Oh there's Peter André here!! He's my favourite, he's got such great abs." I seriously wanted to kick their fucking teeth in for a second there.

But it don't matter, because in my heart I know the Sentenced crew drank every goddamn penny that the annoying teen invested in them. So it's all good.
Deliverance is entirely right, although slightly strong worded. :loco:

I think, to be completely honest, bands only become THAT commercially succesful when they achieve a certain level of recognition and exposure from music press. So if a bunch of 12 year olds wearing katatonia hoodies means that the boys are finally getting the recognition they deserve for their talents, and finally being financially rewarded, then how can that become a negative thing?

And for those that are pissed because the new fans "don't get katatonia" I can not understand this? It's obvious that exclusivity is important to you and, should Kata get that succesful, surely you can take comfort from the fact that out of a large audience, only a few get it, and you are one of them!

If you want to be original go and live inside someones anus because I am sure there is no other human being in the world who has done that. you can still listen to Kata when your in there.

Well, this is one of those two-sided topics that can be debated endlessly, which is not something I'm planning to do... But here's some thoughts:

one side of the argument is what deliverance6 said which I partially agree with. many ppl out there simply need being "Underground" as a quality which helps define their weak character. These ppl go around finding underground bands_regardless of quality. the more unknown the better. I personally believe that these kinds of people are the reason why much of Underground black metal and (to some extent) death metal are filled with so many worthless acts today. Once u have any factor other than "Quality of Music" to determine the worth of an act, you'll start promoting shit music (do the musicians have trouble keeping the beat at 100 bpm? it must be kvlt!!! Do the drums and keyboards sound like they've been directly picked off from an ATARI videogame? It must be kvlt!!!)
This produces herds of loser bands with no real message other than socializing in their little "underground" clubs....

Now here is the other side:
Music as a movement needs to have direction, that is if it's planning to escape being a mere novelty item. That is why when someone comes forth with a serious work of art and a serious message, he/she doesn't want to cheapen their cause by just accepting anybody as an appreciative fan. It must find those who truely understand that message (This is why Mayhem's vocalist "Dead" used to throw pig heads into the audience_ To ensure that anyone who's there but doesn't get the message of music(gore) leaves!)

Anyways, a lot can be said about this topic... I personally think that Katatonia is moving away from the Romantic/Idealistic side into a more modern band. Their message is more modern and to me it sounds less serious than what they delivered on the earlier albums, so it wouldn't seem strange to me if I see more "conformists" in their fans. I realize that as a band they've continuously grown (since the release of BMD) and I'm not going to throw a hissy fit about just because I might have a different mentality. Who knows? maybe someday I'll grow up into that mentality but until then I will simply enjoy their music _ which I believe to be the best "modern rock" act that exists today....