Im so glad this week is over

Donnie Darko

Destroyer of False Metal
Sep 9, 2003
Philly and Long Island
Seriously this has been one of the worst weeks of my life. Last weekend a friend of mine was hit by two cars and killed. My school has been a mess and life has been hell. I just feels so shitty, he was such a kool guy, was always nice to everyone. I sat behind him in french class and he really made the class more enjoyable. I feel Iv been robbed not just of a good person but of the possiblility of a real good friendship. :erk:
I know the feeling (sig). Unfortunately I still don't have any answers as to how to deal with it. You have a close friend for 6 years, and one day he's gone. I still don't have any idea how to just "move on"...

Life's a real piece of shit 99% of the time. That's in no way helpfull, I know, but that's the only way I'm able to see it.

When I meet my maker, he's gonna get a swift kick in the balls for all the shit he's done to me. My life's literally a living hell right now 24/7, and stuff like what happened to my friend 2 and a half years ago, and what recently happened to yours is just kicking someone when they're down.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I know first hand how it feels...