I'm starting bass guitar lessons

Profanity said:
I have had a bass guitar for a few years and can't seem to learn it by myself.

I love music and have always liked the bass. I'm hoping that I can get pointed in the right direction.

I am not new to music by any means. I am a Grade 3 Pianist and have improved the sound of many bands with my keyboard but the time is right to learn a stringed instrument.

I've had a bass for a few months and I learned a lot by myself from looking up old Kill 'Em All tabs. And bass was my first instrument.
playing bass for 4 years now.
Pick on bass is shitty, don't do it.

And I'm also learning guitar right now, and still find that Bass > Guitar
Can't have a band without bass..

While I can't say I enjoy soloist bass, I think its necessary to have a good bassist in every band holding down the bottom end which most idiot guitarists try to do by scooping their mids and making their band sound like shit.
BlackAcidFiend said:
BlackAcid part of my username comes from a Danzig album called Blackacidevil.
You're probably just so wound up in some horrible black metal bands that you don't even know what bass is.

black metal is way better than metalica. least most BM bands dont produce shit albums for 15 years straight
Just do research and find a dependable instructor you can trust. And when you're not with him or her just find some tabs of songs that are fairly easy and try to learn them. There's also lots of excercises online that will help your fingers be stronger and play faster. Just start slow.
OMG, A HOLE BUNCH OF PPL H8 METALLICUZ M0D3RN ALBUMZ, SO I QU3ZZ I SH00D 2! Load, Reload, and St. Anger are not shitty just because you don't like them, you pathetic metal sheep.
BlackAcidFiend said:
Metallica with Cliff > Black Metal.

I agree

BlackAcidFiend said:
:lol: Kill 'Em All > Black Metal.

I disagree.

BlackAcidFiend said:
I believe Cliff Burton should rise from the dead

I love you.

CliffBurton said:
playing bass for 4 years now.
Pick on bass is shitty, don't do it.

And I'm also learning guitar right now, and still find that Bass > Guitar

Its alright to start learning with, but I do agree with you.

GhostOfPerdition said:
Make sure you learn fingerstyle.. fuck picks when it comes to bass.

use a pick to start off with. Then move over to the better sounding fingers.

BloodyScalpel said:
Yeah, but you are intelligent :p
Turbo's not

bollocks to you, son again. :erk:
Don't know if it has been mentioned yet but if you can get your hands on John Myung's Progressive Bass concepts do it. It's one of the best bass videos out there.