I'm still rather drunk at 3 P.M.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
Last night I drank tequila for 10 hours, talked with a lot of hot drunken German girls who kept trying to speak English, and walked home for an hour at 7 A.M. while it was still dark. Discuss.
I forget. It has a Mexican hat on the top. Tequila Sunrises were only 3 euro the entire night and I lost fucking count after a while. My friend was working at the bar so around 4 AM I started getting them for free, very dangerous.
I started drinking Grey Goose and cranberry yesterday, got pleasently hammered, went to sleep and started again this morning, go figure.... That's what you get when you only have 2 days at home between traveling for work. On my fourth one right now and feeling very good.:kickass:
i dont seem to get drunk very long :s

i can drink pretty much and get drunk within a hour i start getting sober agian ... so i drink more but everytime i get sober if i dont drink for a hour...

maybe its because i only drink beer...but i dont like strong drinks
Getting drunk on the plane rocks. I'm looking forward to visiting home in February just so I can get trashed on the plane for "free".
I got ripped last night, went to bed about 4am, slept for 11 hours and now I feel really fucking good :)