Im still waiting for my answers

Mike Pinnella is simply not accessible by e-mail. Mail sent to mail at symphonyx dot com does get sent to the band, but it's up to them if they are going to reply, they haven't always got time to answer every e-mail.
hehehe, REALLY funny story I have involving SyX and email...

OK, a few years ago (when I was 16 or so) I started fucking with the music notation program Finale. Its REALLY a bitch to use, especially for transcribing guitar parts. Well anyway, I posted some shit on their user help forum about the problems I was having to see if anyone would reply.

The next day I see an email in my inbox from "Michael Romeo". I'm thinking "wtf? no way, it can't be." Well, aparently, it was! I had recieved an email from Romeo saying that he saw my post on their help forum about the fucked up guitar notation in Finale, said he was having the same problems and asked if I had figured a way around it.

So, needless to say, I replied with all the info I had, and also mentioned that I just happened to be a Symphony X fan ;). I guess that must have suprised him hehe. We sent another 1 or two emails back and forth after that (just talkin guitar stuff mostly). All this happened before V even came out, so, I can understand why he was a little bit more accessable at this time (around DWoT era, a friend of mine found his phone # and called him - they talked for an hour or so). But since LotO mentioned the deal with some guy posting clips from V up when MJR asked him not to, I can see why he's not very internet bound anymore.

But the first time i got to meet him (the infamous "bike show" in NJ) I mentioned who I was and he remembered :)
I will tell now that I was curious about a post from an 'm_romeo' on the thread about 'who's better than mike romeo?'.. i'm sure its nothing, but if you look at a few details surrounding the comment, on around page 3 i think.. that post was that users ONLY post EVER, and the way it was written seemed very.. humble? Maybe I have an over-active imagination, too analytical about certain details? i dunno..just seemed like a really strange thing to do, make up that name to only post one reply on that one thread, and although they check the board fairly regularly (on the profile, it shows when the user last looked at the board), they dont post. And they didnt acknowledge receipt of a private message i sent saying hi.. if it was just a fan or someone with a pretense, i would have thought they would work at keeping up the charade, just the fact that they seemed more shy of contact than anything, made me wonder. you can say im crazy now.. lol..