I'm super late in the boat of Anathema

Dude, "Thin Air" is the song I want everyone to listen to when I die. Seriously, I don't give a crap about funerals, ceremonies and all that crap, I just ask of my family and friends to play Thin Air when I die and remember me like that. It's THAT good to me.

I'll check Archive when I finish the mix I'm doing, but thanks, I'm sure I'll like it
Dude, "Thin Air" is the song I want everyone to listen to when I die. Seriously, I don't give a crap about funerals, ceremonies and all that crap, I just ask of my family and friends to play Thin Air when I die and remember me like that. It's THAT good to me.

I'll check Archive when I finish the mix I'm doing, but thanks, I'm sure I'll like it

I don't particularly want a song for funerals, but if one has to be played, it is this one :

Plus the lyrics fit so well. "It's allright"


and if this song by Paradise Lost doesn't catch your ear, I don't know what will:

Yeah I kinda like this song, I liked the doom-ish downtempo break in the middle. I hated the video though, the close up at wrong distances and never showing what my eyes are searching for made it painful to watch ! But yeah I should check this album first, I remember the song "Faith divide us death unite us" was catchy.

EDIT 2 :
oh man Shades Of God rings a bell so much, I must have listened to this album at a friend's at home a few times because I remember some of those riffs !
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On the subject of funeral songs.... i'd also love devin :D

just it'd be hyperdrive

or orion by metallica

or floods by pantera...

or baby got back

/end hijacking :D
I also love alternative 4, we covered fragile dreams with a band I used to play with, it was one of the highpoints live.

But, is the album autotuned too much? Or is it only me?
You may be into Agalloch as well. Their albums Ashes Against the Grain and The Mantle are masterpieces. That and just about anything Alcest has done.