im taking a computer science class online


your best friend
Feb 29, 2008

this is one of the best applications of this wretched web of worthlessness i've seen yet

essentially you can take college-level courses for free on the interweb with professors talking on video cameras and whatnot. i'm takin CS212 like a boss

in the future maybe we will make time and money constraints to higher education essentially obsolete and i think this is a cool thing

unfortunately at this moment you are shit outta luck unless you want to become a computer nerd, but i hope in time this concept will expand to include basically everything
This may actually prove useful to me, I'll have to check it out when I have some time.
yeah i feel like a right idiot here

i guess i don't know many of python's language constructs well enough, and my math and logic thinking must have declined a lot since i was in school, because many of the assignments stump me pretty well
Once I learned the basics of python, I never want to go back. C just frustrates me now.
ya, python is just really beautiful and fun

c is frankly pretty much dead (or should be) for everything except systems/embedded programming

it had a good run of 40 years or so but it's p. much time to bury it
Right now, the only reason why I use C is because it's so much faster than python in N-body simulations.
Fawk yea, gonna do this as a test run in Iraq before committing to a credit-earning course. (To test the internet etc. etc. see if it's possible). I know lots of dudes do it, but I still wanna give it a test run first. I'm afraid the internet will 'esplode randomly (as it does) right when I need to turn in an assignment/take a test or something.
i've done almost everything in week 1 so far, i JUST finished the first homework assignment and i feel really smart