I'm trying to find some....

Nov 23, 2002
bands that play slightly similar music to Opeth, without being Opeth clones. I'd prefer not to have answers such as "No one. Opeth rule!"...I'd really like to find some other bands which can at least challenge the greatness of Opeth.
To find bands of a genius rivalling Opeth one has to look away from metal and into prog rock. Get King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King, Red, In The Wake Of Poseidon and Starless and Bible Black. Especially Red.
No-one! Opeth ru... oh wait...

You'll be hard pressed to find someone similar to Opeth, they're pretty original.
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
To find bands of a genius rivalling Opeth one has to look away from metal and into prog rock. Get King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King, Red, In The Wake Of Poseidon and Starless and Bible Black. Especially Red.
Add Larks' Tongues in Aspic to this list and you have your answer.
forgotten silence

keep in mind these are not opeth clones. i just find that they some how spark a similar feeling or contain certain aspects of opeth.
Michael Jackson:lol:

Yeah I would also say it would be pretty hard to find a band on the same page as Opeth...their music is some of the most original stuff I have ever heard...I have yet to completely absorb what they are all about...each time I take a listen I hear something new or interpret it in a different way...definitely some deep stuff there:D
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
To find bands of a genius rivalling Opeth one has to look away from metal and into prog rock. Get King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King, Red, In The Wake Of Poseidon and Starless and Bible Black. Especially Red.

And for Christ Sakes - PORCUPINE TREE!

Maybe add earlier Jethro Tull to that list. When they were doing the melancholy traveling minstrel type sound. Reminds me of lighter opeth stuff. 'Specially the acoustic stuff off of Aqualung, you know, mother goose and such......
Porcupine Tree is really nothing like Opeth. But, any Opeth fan who can't appreciate Porcupine Tree as well is a bit strange.
Originally posted by IanDork107
Porcupine Tree is really nothing like Opeth. But, any Opeth fan who can't appreciate Porcupine Tree as well is a bit strange.

Well, it's like Bleakest Harvest said, to find bands rivaling Opeth, you can't look to the metal genre as much as the Prog Rock genre.

One listen to Blackest Eyes, and you'll hear MANY MANY MANY similarities between Opeth and PT.
eh...Blackest Eyes is really Porcupine Tree influenced by Opeth. The two bands aren't similar in sound, but they're equal in quality.