i'm very very very tired today.

well the parade lasts quite a while so if you go toward the end you'll see all the neat costumes. where are you being dropped off? are you going to the parade with your stuff, by yourself? be careful!
my coworker has to instantly become NOT SO FUCKING HOT in exactly 2.5 hours before i have to get in his car and go see a client.

saltpeter FedEx coming your way!

i totally bypassed the other 5 pages of this thread and have, in my head, created a new background based solely upon the information written on this page. It involves Rip Taylor, a bag of sticks, and a pillar of saltpeter.
wow, so you AND greg didn't modify your pagination?

i HATE the fact that i'm a maximum posts-per-page and i still have to click on page 2, 3, et cetera. my ethernet can handle a single-page thread, dammit.