Immortal Vs. Emperor


May 22, 2003
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So i was thinking today about what the most popular black metal (using the term loosely) bands were. I came to the conclusion that it was probably Emperor and Immortal. Which leads me to wonder which one is more liked..

So out of these two bands, as a whole which one do you prefer (musically, ignore either bands image), or find yourself listening to more often?

For me its Immortal, I don't think they've released a single album i dont dig, while i could never really get into IX equilibrium. Granted Anthems and Wrath of the Tyrant are classics, as a whole i just like Immortals style(s) more.

I apologize if this thread has been done before.
while Immortal is a great band, I just don't feel like there is enough going on for me. Emperor has the perfect blend of classical music, technical brutallity, and atmosphere for me
I'm with will... I gotta go with Emperor. They were my introduction into the world of 'Black' Metal and the whole Nordic scene. Without them I would never have found out about Immortal, Dimmu, Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc etc. Maybe it's just that I'm biased due to that fact, but I'll always prefer Emperor.

Immortal is a great band, very consistent in terms quality of material. The only one I didnt get into that much was Damned in Black. Pure Holocaust, Battles in the North, etc. are all fantastic albums. However, they never created a masterpeice. Emperor made two albums that are basically essential to extreme metal as a whole, In the Nightside Eclipse and Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk. So overall Emperor takes the cake no contest for me.
I'm going to say Immortal. With the exception of maybe the first album, all of the others are fucking awesome. There's definitely some incredible head banging moments in the last few albums
El Diablo Fantastico said:

No... Seriously...

I like Immortal better, but Emperor are great. At the Heart of Winter is one of my favorite albums of all time. Genius.
Emperor (obvisouly), how can anyone deny Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk its rightful place at the top of the black metal tower?