Immortal Vs. Emperor

i havent heard much Immortal, but what i have heard (Blizzard Beasts and Sons of Northern Darkness) didnt really grab my attention, and while Nebular Ravens Winter is a fucking brilliant song title, im gonna have to go with Emperor for all the reasons everyone else already said.

i would take Satyricon and Taake over both of 'em though (if we're sticking to Norway)
Definitely Immortal. Emperor can get a little too wanky and out there sometimes.


Good gods...thats tough! eeee.... know...ahhh...
im gonna go with Immortal ultimately...Emperor is wonderful but Immortal tends to rock my socks a bit harder...
For fuck's sake, if you're going to use the "From Norway" argument, Burzum and Mayhem (De Mysteriis and earlier) win. But in this comparison, Emperor are superior. In every way.