Impaled Nazarene - All That You Fear


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Osmose Productions/The End Records - 2003

By Rodrigo Escandon


Admittedly All That You Fear is my first exposure to Impaled Nazarene. I had heard of the band but I never had the chance to actually check out some of their music, it always seemed that other bands were more worthy of my time and exploration.

Impaled Nazarene could easily be classified as a black metal band but there are elements of thrash, as in “Even More Pain”, and even punk music, listen to “Goat Seeds of Doom”, that are found throughout the album. The one constant throughout is that the band is all about speed and aggression, well with one of the exceptions being “Suffer in Silence” which incidentally is my favorite song of the album due to the fact that it stands out from the rest and due to its catchy sing-a-long qualities and lyrical content. This is a song that I could easily picture as being a great live song.

But I digressed, All That You Fear is undoubtedly all about playing fast and with tons of aggression and also with plenty of attitude. “Halo of Flies” is a fast and aggressive song that features plenty of blast beats. “Tribulation Hell” switches from fast verses to a slower chorus but with both tempos the delivery is just as heavy. “The Endless War” is another thrash-like song, with plenty of great bass lines as well as melodic guitars and a great chanting chorus. Speaking of bass lines, just like “Goat Seeds of Doom” started with some fast bass playing and had the punk-type attitude, so does “Armageddon Death Squad”. The title track “All That You Fear” features bells, fast and slow tempos and with the chanting of the title at the end it ends the album with a great exclamation point.

Having no idea how this album compares to their previous efforts, I can’t make the assessment if this is one of their better albums or not. But I can make the assessment that All That You Fear is a great and varied album that has not tired in listening to it for about a month. It is definitely a great album to listen loud, to head bang along with and to just have fun with some of your friends while pounding some beers!

Osmose Productions Website
The End Records Website
Impaled Nazarene Website
having been an Impaled Nazarene fan for a good 8 years already I've certainly seen them transform and do so quite a number of times. As far away from their early efforts this is, and their earlier works certainly to this day get my juices flowing, this is quite good stuff. better than their last (Abscence of war does not mean peace), but being a fan of their older stuff I'd kinda wish they were a little bit more of a christraping sado-black band and not so much moving in a more punkish/hardcore-oriented direction. nevertheless a good album, and for those of you who've never heard 'em before, this is probably a good way to start off with..but what the Hell do I know?