Impaled Northern Moon Forest - Revisited

Crimson Death

El Basilisco
Jan 24, 2002

Oyo, Kushan, I've started working on the drum parts for the band, it's really fucked up, i'm getting an accordion (I certainly hope I spelled it right), I want to use it for a solo at the end that will end the song in fade away, i'm gonna work on the drums and on the vocals in my friend's little studio, but before I start to actually start mixing this piece of garbage I need Oyo to send my the pron-groove bass lines on mp3... after that I can start editing and add drums and vocals, so we will be the next Impaled Northen Moon Forest, maybe even have a split LP with Hammering Moss or something :D I'm sure every meta label will jump on this :D
Let me know...

By the way i'm looking for a Sax player, and maybe a kazoo player for solos, I need to get it totally fucked up...
Great, as soon as i'm getting the DSL at my home, i'm gonna start recording the stuff, i'm also gonna use my new Creative Sound Blaster Live card that I bought yesterday after my beloved Creative Sound Blaster 16 croaked last week after 6 years...

What do you say about the accordion? It's gonna rock the house!!
Not cover...
Just going on the same wave, taking to more bizzare ways, more in the vein of Pan-Thy-Monium or something... All I need is a kazoo, you don't happen to play it do you?
Don't worry mon! I had ICQ for two years. in two weeks I know how to use the internet, as soon as I'll have internet again, you will be 1 of the first to know... I just wanted to update you and Kushan... do you think it will be hard to study accordion in a week, so I can perform a solo and record?

What I do need help on is recording and mixing programs so I'll be able to do channels and add each instrument over the other...
dammit what I meant to say is that I know the way of the net...
I'll internet in 2 weeks, not learn it in 2 weeks (god, i'm such a dumbass)
Don't worry about getting kicked out, I'm hardly a drummer and I can't find anybody crazy/stupid enough to participate :)

I'll have for about a week the accordion, the thing is, with almost every instrument I grabbed since last summer, I learned the basic of playing without knowing in like a month... I know drill, electric saw, electric dildo, keyboard, bass, armpit and so on and so on... :)