Impaled Northern Moon Forest - Revisited

Ok, it's 7am in israel and i've started checking out accordion lessons websites, it's a big scene actually :) I'm thinking about going to the yodel section and learn how to yodel for the band... Kushan: you don't happen to own a kazoo do you? I'm desperately looking for a kazoo player with at least 5 years/seconds expirience :)

We should pick a name for it now...

Kushan: there's a married female groupie for Hammering Moss, she's one of my best friends and she really liked Emodene... you should really start touring! get abourjin roadies (There's no way I spelled it correctly but never mind...) I'm willing to be the manager, you could like be the next opeth... :) Cheers!!
I did have a Kazoo, but I broke it, I broke the plastic bit that vibrates...

I used to do my Black Metal voice through the kazoo, sounded wicked...

married female groupie?

and we have no plans to tour as of yet... But all the more fans the better...

But if anybody you know, or they know, know of a GOOD place to host music, excluding, let me know... because, really, there is NO WHERE to host our music... and our current host is failing, seeing as half of the downloads no longer work...

UNLESS someone wants to set up an site for us.. because I can't figure out at all... it's a sucky site...

But my specialty is guitar, weird noises, and vocals...

listen to my solo song: Bring Me The Head Of God to hear vocals, and you can hear everything else I do from hammering moss.

and gets you the msn and win. so we may communicate.
I already did, it's a great song, but you are fucked up man, you know that? And it takes one to know one... I can't wait till I'll get the accordion, must have it now! it's so cool! Accordion kicks ass! Do you use icq? in like 2 weeks i'll have internet at home and than I could start working on the music and sending you chunks of the music... :) JOY!!

By the way:

Where can I get a kazoo??
You play bagpipes? The more the crazy/merry
If you do i'd welcome you with open arms to be the bagpipes player for the band... seriously... this is official offer
If I won't be able to come across a kazoo myself you are welcome to be the kazoo player for our band! just wait and see, i'll let let you know...
You know maybe, I need to first arrange the music know where each instrument fits, my drum set is consisting of: Knees, a Triangle, Tamborine and my legs as double bass...
plus I might add an accordion solo at the end, maybe just before the accordion just a part with electric guitar and kazoo doing harmonies... (fucked up death metal harmonies probably)
What do you say you think you are up to it?
in two weeks it will be serious, i'll have internet and everything... i'll start editing and mixing as soon as we compile some music, plus I have a secret add-on to the song but I won't talk about on the forum because it will be a surprise, really big thing...
Nah.. no bitch-slapping Llamaura until the first reharsal :)
By the way it's my birthday in four days (April 15th, the titanic drowned on the same date, JOY!!!) so everybody chip in to buy me a greencard so I can leave Israhell... :) are any of you planning on going to Wacken?
Originally posted by Crimson Death
Nah.. no bitch-slapping Llamaura until the first reharsal :)
Thanks. ;)

By the way it's my birthday in four days (April 15th, the titanic drowned on the same date, JOY!!!) so everybody chip in to buy me a greencard so I can leave Israhell... :)
Happy birthday in advance. :)

Originally posted by Crimson Death
are any of you planning on going to Wacken?
no, it's too long of a walk from here ;)