Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
(I always wanted to write that!!!)

I have decided to re-open the gates to UNISOUND RECORDINGS!!​
(Where I recorded bands like OPETH, KATATONIA, MARDUK, DISSECTION, MILLENCOLIN, EDGE OF SANITY and many many more..)​
This time things will be a little different though.​
I am not planning to build a big studio with tons of expensive gear.​
My primary goal will be to mix stuff...albums, songs, the sound for a dvd release etc.I will also do remixes and such..​
Since one year I have mixed albums after work, and the clients have been so pleased with the result that I am beginning to wonder if I shouldn´t do this fulltime again!!So, before I quit my dayjob I just wanted to see if someone´s still interested to work with me???​
let me know at
For reference you can contact the guys from NOVEMBERS DOOM, EDENS FALL, THIS HAVEN and THE PROJECT HATE, I have also done remixes for PAIN and of course my own stuff like, the yet to be officially released "NIGHTFALL OVERTURE" album with NIGHTINGALE and I am also working with my magnum opus SECOND SKY...
So how do I work??
The albums from NOVEMBERS DOOM and EDENS FALL was recorded in America. The files was sent to me on DVDs and along with a roughmix and a reference CD (a CD from another artist you wish to have a similar sound to..) I mix a track and upload as high-res MP3 to my download and listen in your own hi-fi´s, cars, etc. and all members join up and make of list of changes..We discuss overall changes like "The bass is too loud, the vocals needs to cut through more etc" and also specific changes. The changes are suggested on a timeline like 01:22 "Toms too loud",

02:32 "Acoustic Guitars lower" etc. and after a few rounds the album is mixed and PERFECT!!I have 100% total recall of all the gear in my mixsuite so it´s only the details you wish to change that changes..the rest of the mix remains EXACTLY the same. No matter how cool the studiomonitors sound, we all want to hear what it sounds like in our own​
stereos before we get the feeling that "It´s ready!!" Just imagine to be able to listen to the mix in your own stereos and be able to change the details..and have them corrected within
hours!! And once you cannot find any strange levels...that´s when the album is ready!!! No more annoying surprises when it´s too late!!!!
I will be available from October and onwards.
Dan Swanö
Well, my band would definitely be interested to work with you, but that's only future wishes, as we're still looking for a record deal, so don't count us in yet. ;)

But I can say that I'm impressed with the work you've done so far, and I'm pretty sure there'll be quite some interest, especially with the way you're gonna work, that sounds very promising. (As we actually had some of these "annoying surprises" after we had recorded our demos).

oh btw, have I read that correctly that "Nightfall Overture" might be officially released in the future? :D
Quitting your dayjob? You´re onwards to big changes, looks like? ;) As you always said that this pays the rent and then there´s total artistic freedom for all the music. But true, when the studio has good feedback (and that´s 150% sure) then this will make a steady income, too and I suppose it´s a nice change for you, and probably more fun :D
I´m sure that the studio is gonna do very well!

PS: one more "never again" returned to life :p :)

Fifth_Horseman said:
oh btw, have I read that correctly that "Nightfall Overture" might be officially released in the future? :D

Yep :D
Hey Dan! That's great to hear! I cannot praise you enough on the mix you did for our CD. The method that you have is what every artist dreams of. The ability to listen to the mix at your leisure and make changes is so refreshing... Like Dan said, "no surprises!". He works his ass off until the band is 110% satisfied.

In addition to making level adjustments, Dan really tries to get inside your head and give you what you REALLY want even if you don't know exactly how to tell him. He seems to know ALL of the tricks of the trade and can make your music sound way better that you ever thought possible! I think that fact that he plays all the instruments that he is working with gives him a unique insight to mixing that most people do not have. Plus the fact that his is a FAN of Metal and is able to relate to the bands that are your influences help him to move the project in the right direction. His #1 concern is to make the client happy and he really delivers.

I recommend Dan to everyone I meet and cannot say enough good things about working with him. I really hope that this works out for him, because there is NO DOUBT that he should be doing this "full time". He is a master at what he does and in my opinion, one of the best!
This is such good news, I hope all goes perfectly.

You are a great promotional tool for bands that you work with as well... I discovered Novembers Doom when they posted on here thanking you and James Murphy for the unbelievable job you did on their latest album. It just had to be checked out, since then I think I have all but one of their albums and that is still on my list.

Congratulations Dan!
So that means you're only going to do mixing, no (outside) band recordings at your place?

I always digged the sound on Novembre's first two albums, but I guess this time it will be a lot different, given that you evolved into the digital era, no more the porta 4 studio; will there be a bathroom this time? :lol:
Awesome news, Dan! You should go for it! A million bands would want to work with you! I can't imagine that not being the case! =)

I shall now go and spam this info across the three W's! =)
Fifth_Horseman said:
But I can say that I'm impressed with the work you've done so far, and I'm pretty sure there'll be quite some interest, especially with the way you're gonna work, that sounds very promising. (As we actually had some of these "annoying surprises" after we had recorded our demos).

oh btw, have I read that correctly that "Nightfall Overture" might be officially released in the future? :D

best wishes Dan!! i'm sure you'll help make more amazing music happen
Great news Dan!

I wish you nothing but the best of luck. The recent limited editen of Nightfall Overture CD I bought from you sounded amazing. If I had a band, you'd be the first I'd want to work with.

No disrespect to others, but Dan's understanding of sound is unique and superior.
Dan you da man!!! this is great news to bands, and fans alike.Oh and will you update us the fans on what bands your going to be involved in the future?