Update and stuff

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Dear friends..

Sorry for the abscense from the forum lately, but I have been beyond busy lately and more to come. A short update.

I am about to begin the mixdown of the "Nightfall Overture" album today. As usual, I haven´t been "pro" enough during the tracking, so I spend a lot of time correcting stuff that should have been done when recording (Like tuning errors and shit) I hope to find it in me to complete the mixes before Thursday so the album will be ready for the European tour that begins in about a month. The cover artwork is ready and once again Guyla H. proves to be the new Dan Seagrave. After the NG album is ready I will dive right into the mixing of the upcoming THE PROJECT HATE album. It feels good to be back with Mr. K and hopefully I can match the stuff he did with Miezsko (R.I.P.) after that I will mix the debut album from the american band EDEN´S FALL and do my best to match their Andy Sneap/Neil Kernon needs. I have recieved a lot of critical acclaim for my work with NOVEMBERS DOOM (please buy the album - it rules a lot!!) and I feel that I am really on a roll with the mixing stuff again. I also remixed a track on the upcoming PAIN single "Bye/Die" appearently the radiostations tend to play my remix just as much as the original version!!!! On a more personal level I have been struggling with my compulsive eating disorder and managed to loose a lot of weight in the process and I am now a proud member of "the 80 something" family. This morning I wore my "reference pair of jeans" and managed to sit down...still a few more kg´s to go before I can wear them in everyday life, but I am going there and it feels great. It does a lot for my selfesteem and I look forward to the increased "movability" on stage!!! and after that - as usual - the SECOND SKY album!!! I know it will rule once I enter the session of no return. I if I live thru the process of making that album, it will be the best thing I have ever been a part of, and might resign after that (or not...)
Once the SECOND SKY album is ready (and I am out of the hospital - ;)
I will work with ANOTHER LIFE again, and it will be coolness as usual!! and then?? well, that will be around 2006, so then it is time for another NIGHTINGALE studio album. I have planned a mega epic called "Carpe Diem" that will see the whole band co-writing and then a few shorter pieces, hopefully an english version of one of my favourite songs of all time from my brothers pen - "Tills stormen är över" - I have no idea whatsoever what the title will be in english. There is also an idea to try a coverversion of an often overlooked, more aggressive Unicorn classic called "Yellow & Greg". It could work within the context of the upcoming album, because we plan to expand the Nightingale sound horizon even further into heavier - proggier - lighter - softer - darker - fatter - thinner.....and most of all more EPIC!!!!
Thanx for reading and a special thank you to all the folks that sent me greetings on my birthday, it meant a lot. It was my first birthday waking up all alone - ever!! I had a great day and John (my son) and I shot some pool and watch a movie. Then I gave myself the best present of them all - a grilled chicken!! (Didn´t eat the skin though!!!!)

See you on tour!!!!


That was a nice update Dan, can't wait to hear the Nightingale stuff and I'm happy to hear you already have plans for a new album, and congratulations on your weight loss! Also can't wait for that Second Sky album :D
Good update Dan! Keep up the good work. It should be really good doing "yellow and greg" that song is such prog madness!...another unicorn song i think would be good for second sky maybe is "never gonna run".......anyway look foward to second sky.
We are you surrogate family, dude! If something happens to you, we all feel it's affects...

looking forward to the new material and one again, I can't wait!
Yes, good job on the November's Doom album, it sounds massive!

The idea of more epic Nightingale just caused me to do things in my pants that I'm not gonna mention.

Congratulations on your weight loss! Hm...if the Second Sky album has any sort of Keane sound, that will be very nice indeed! Keane isn't all that popular here, I just sort of discovered them at random, but it's great stuff.

So many awesome Dan projects on the way...
For the LOVE OF GOD Dan, Record some of those Live Nightingale shows for a DVD! Thats all I ask.

But I look forward to Second Sky and Another Life. I cant wait for those releases. I have to check out that Novembers Doom too. But Im also curious. Whats up with your health Dan? From all the pictures of you Ive seen youve always looked the same build and in good health. Either way, you got my best wishes!

Good to see your ok dan, and staying as busy as ever. just a thought, although we appreciate all the great works coming out, please you health comes first. Id rather go a year between cd's than hear you've wound up in a hospital from over doing it.
Take care
Vertigo said:
For the LOVE OF GOD Dan, Record some of those Live Nightingale shows for a DVD! Thats all I ask.

But I look forward to Second Sky and Another Life. I cant wait for those releases. I have to check out that Novembers Doom too. But Im also curious. Whats up with your health Dan? From all the pictures of you Ive seen youve always looked the same build and in good health. Either way, you got my best wishes!


Take one day at a time friend and here's to your health.
Oh, and by the way^what he said!