Important - Terrorist threats.

Black Lagoon

Apr 24, 2001
Cornwall, England
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As we all know, the Taliban considers it a sin for a man to see a naked woman who is not his wife.

So this Saturday at 2.00pm (GMT) all british women are asked to walk out of there houses completely naked to help weed out any neighbourhood terrorists.

It is recommended that you walk up and down your street for approximatley one hour for this anti terrorist effort. All men are to position themselves on garden chairs in front of there houses to prove that they are not Taliban, and generally demonstrate that it is okay to see nude women other than there wife and to show support for the british women.

And since the Taliban also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six pack at the gentlemens sides is further proof of your anti Taliban sentiment.

The British Goverment appreciates your efforts to root out terrorists and applauds your participation in this anti-terrorist activity.
Oi, you bunch of pervs!! :eek: and no, Paxoman, before you ask, you are not allowed to ask any ladies to get naked for this cause!! :lol: I will vouch for you that you're not a Taliban, so you can avert your eyes!! :D :oops: See how good I am to you, saving you from that horrible task?? :lol: :rolleyes:
Awwww Sam you are so good to me! HOWEVER! I feel it is my duty to prove for myself that I am not a Taliban, rather then have someone else do it for me! I shall put myself out and go to Nottingham for this cause (seeing as Nottingham is famous for having more women then men by quite a large ratio!). I'm sure my ratio will be getting large as well! :lol:
Er excuse me, Paxoman - I have only one word to say to you, my love - OI!!!! :Shedevil: :lol: Let me tell you, you will NOT be going to Nottingham this (or any other!!) weekend - so you know where you can shove your "big ratio"!! :lol: :eek: Ooooeeerrrr!!

Oh, while I'm here - I believe that Muslims have to be circumsized (well, just the men!!) with that in mind, I suggest the men should wander about with their "manhood" hanging us women can inspect whether they have "had the op", and therefore determine whether they are potential Talibans or not!! Purely in the name of National Security, of course.... :lol: Don't worry though boys, we will allow for "shrinkage", with the weather being cold an' all!! :lol: ;) :D :eek: :eek:
pax i live next door to nottingham(leicester). the only good thing is rock city(sounds like a great name for a song).anyway leicester women are much better besides i married one . yeah i feel sorry for her to.:lol: