Improve your 1960A cab greatly!


Aug 2, 2009
So that little stereo board the jacks are on for the 1960 Marshall cabs is a neat thing. I recently had a chance to go back and forth between the speakers going through it and straight to an output jack. I couldn't believe my ears. It almost seems like a blanket over the cab and a loss in punch and output. My advice...get rid of that whole thing in general and just wire straight to an output jack and forget the stereo. Sad sad thing Marshall uses these. They're cheap plastic too!
They are shit plastic. I "repaired" my friend's amp this summer. What had happened was that he hadn't used a speaker cable, and the solderings on BOTH input jacks of the 1960A had burned out, making the cabinet not receive any signal. My friend was lucky that his output transformer didn't blow up. I unscrewed it(there are way too many screws on a 1960A cab) and resoldered the points and it worked like a charm again.
I really hate this plastic thing... Mine is broken once again and I planned replacing it with a solid metal plate... Maybe try out your sugestion... :)
It shouldn't make a difference... Without something plugged into the other jack it shouldn't be affecting the tone at all, nothing is completing the circuit. Maybe you have a chunk of tin foil jammed in there or something.
IME experience it makes no difference if you have solid connections but the jacks are so cheap they break very easily. If you've got a flakey connection in one you could easily have issues.