You are never going to win this.
Please don't get silly. I'm not on the side of the impulses and fight against mic'ing cabs. That is just bullshit.
I just wanted to show that impulses are not as bad as their reputation, because a lot of people made mistakes in the chain creating them.
I remember sombody posting a solo comparision where the impulse sounded way harsher and totally different than the real thing.
And those clips let some people make conclusions that the whole method of convolution is bad. Its just wrong. In the theory every LTI system can be described with convolution. And that is f.e filters, rooms.
I don't ever said I like impulses better and I am very interested in further shootouts why it should be different in a whole mix and want to really find out why it is that way.
But people like you make, that only see black and white, make it very hard to even care about finding out.
I don't take any side but I don't make my life as easy and just repeat what others said instead of questioning things!
There are people on this board like Ermz, who has my full respect. his productions are just amazing and have a lot of depth and love for the detail and the big picture.
And there are free-riders that can't hear anything put have the same opinion as Ermz cause HE has an opinion they can identify with.
Even Jeff did everything wrong in my solo'ed shootout even he eq'ed the files and whatnot.
Also the next generation of impulses everybody's waiting for is already developed with Nebula that can capture non-linearities. The missing bit of extra we all miss in normal impulses.
Who is interested go that way with me?