There isn't a time limit bro, express your love for this beautiful album
Oh boy. Well it's important to remember I first heard this album because my brother played it and in an In Flames fan and SoaPF came out a few months before I turned 13(!) how to make all of you feel old

At the time it was so different to the American rock and metal I was listening to (Avenged sevenfold, Howard era KSE, breaking Benjamin etc)
Since then SoaPF sort of opened the doors to me listening to much heavier things, be it Dark tranquillity and other Melodeath, be it Invent Animate and other djenty Metalcore things, it was definitely a gateway album for me and thats where a lot of my love for it comes from.
I also just wholly believe that it is a fundamentally well written album and definitely the magnum opus of Bjorn's solo songwriting. There are songs I don't listen to as much, but a lot of the songs still find themselves into play lists to this day, and I'm lucky to have seen a good spread of songs from the album live over the years (Deliver us, All for me, Fear, WTDSD, Darker times, and Ropes even)
The production is personally my favorite this side of Clayman (the first one before anyone tries to do a funny) down to its clarity in tone and "expensive" sound. It's not perfect production, but it fits the music perfectly. I also feel like Anders is strong on this one, there are moments here or there where he goes full Anders, but as a whole it strikes a balance between still being able to scream (SC onwards there is a definite technique change, live and studio, which I don't mind but I prefer the sound here) and being able to pull off strong cleans (looking at you Ropes and WTDSD) on top of this it's the last album IF have done that if say doesn't have a problem with Cliche Choruses. SC has some great ones as does ITM but generally quality has gone downhill since. I'm comparing it to only new ones as I find it strictly pointless to compare material pre and post Jesper as it's like comparing beer and wine - I'm not saying one is definitively better, and there is good and bad in both, but they're fundamentally different.
SOAPF was a good mission statement from IF of what they could achieve post jesper and its definitely a unique album in the catalogue in terms of sound and even vibe, it manages to have a consistent tone (as does siren charms, SC just seriously lacks consistent quality as we discussed a while back) that I really appreciate and even lyrically it's a lot more grounded and less dumb than albums since. It has its moments yes, again before people point out specific lines 
I really feel like if SC had been brewed a little longer it could have been a solid - still different - follow up, and if battles was skipped and we went STRAIGHT to ITM, with Roberto Laghi and Daniel Bergstrand that album could again be realistic follow up, and we wouldn't have had the up amd down shitshow we've had since Jesper left.
Thanks for listening to my Ted talk