In Flames: New Material Harder & Better Than Ever!

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
.........."IN FLAMES are right now in the midst of working on new material for the upcoming album, due to be recorded later this summer. All of us are psyched for this of course, the material sounds harder and better than ever."............

In Flames

Sounds like the right direction.............

I think that third song On RtR, Drifter, is as good as In Flames gets. That is one bad ass song. I'm sorta on the fence about this whole album, though. The choruses (sic) aren't good as was pointed out. Sort of, 'come-together, anthemic, gospel...'

Dispense with the pleasantries and get to the hard shit.:Smokedev:
I'm pretty sick and tired of bands saying their new material will be harder than ever when it's plainly obvious they aren't gonna go back to their more traditional metal roots. It's great if they can do their own thing and it comes out cool and heavy-sounding, but, uh, lets face it... R2R wasn't very heavy...

EDIT: Actually I'm getting the album right now, before I only herad two songs (R2R and Cloud Connected). So I shouldn't say it isn't heavy yet.
Okay, two songs left to listen to... I'll I have to say is: I hate Anders with a passion. What has happened to the solos? And what's with this pitiful excuse for clean singing? <shudder> In Flames is dead...

EDIT: 14 songs of conscious stupidity, wtf... there ain't one solo on the cd (except for Transparent, the song with the worst chorus of them all).

I hope on their next effort they bring back solos and Anders gets his fucking act together.
hmmm....we'll just have to wait and seeeee, i hope it kicks ass! i hope it's as good as colony or better!!! i hope it's not as disappointing as RtR........."happy happy joy joy" will just have to wait til i can preview the cd at FYE....maybe
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
.........."IN FLAMES are right now in the midst of working on new material for the upcoming album, due to be recorded later this summer. All of us are psyched for this of course, the material sounds harder and better than ever."............

:lol: Yah right! It will be trendy. They'll probably be touring with Metallica soon enough. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course, but I'm too good for it.

Funny, I've completely forgotten about In Flames since their board disappeared, until you reminded me of them. I have so totally lost all interest in them. Totally! Dude!
Minus has a few solos in it as well and is definitely my favorite track off the album. I thought R2R was allright but the lack of solos (with electronic stuff inserted where the solos would be) and Anders's pretty horrid clean vox at times really brought the quality down. Anyway, they're still one of my favorite bands and they always put on a good live show.
Morfiend, Minus doesn't have any solos. Well, okay, it has one that's 6 seconds long and half of it sounds almost the exact same as one of their earlier solos... :rolleyes:

What the hell happened to them?? When I heard their earlier stuff, I thought they had the most potential out of any death metal band I'd ever heard......
I like R2R..I listen to it when I feel's good rock and roll. I prefer's definitely my favorite In Flames. I think pretty much all In Flames has a "happy happy joy joy" sound to it...that's why I don't think the Death Metal part of melodic death metal belongs when describing them. They will definitely get my money and support on the next album though...I can't wait!! I love 'em!
MindInsane, have you ever heard their first album (they had a different singer), Lunar Strain? And the EP Subterranean? You'll know where the label melodic death came from then... but as soon as Anders joined, it started heading in the happy direction, I agree... but I just think that they've gone too far, and are looking for money now.

You said it was rock and roll... that's the sad part tho, they promised a killer metal album, and we got R2R. Well, I'd say it is undoubtedly the best NU-metal album I've ever heard, but... ya know... that ain't saying much.

Now they say it's gonna be harder and better, probably in the sense that Mudvayne and Korn are hard (which imo they are not). Well, I'm hoping for the best... we'll have to see probably in 2004 or late 2003.